CILENE BARROS BREADS ' ' READING AS REALITY SOCIAL' ' I MODULATE I In the last few decades the Formation of reading/mediating Tutorial EAD UFMS Elizabeth Ribeiro SHINING RIVER SUMMARY, the demand for the reading and for the domain of the language written in our society, it is each bigger time mainly as base in the individual experience. It is not only for the world of the work, but also for the magnifying of the social participation and exercise of the citizenship, to be a competent user of the written language is also, basic condition. It is decurrent of this understanding that today is placed for school: to make possible the pupil a formation of that allows to critically understand the social realities and in it to act, knowing, for in such a way, to organize its action. This the necessary pupil to assume itself of the knowledge and means of production and of spreading of these knowledge. In the societies scholars, as ours, this process of appropriation this strict on to the knowledge of the language written mainly the one that if it relates to the reading. This knowledge, as today is mentioned to the type of letramento that in such a way includes to know to decipher the writing, how much to read/to write with reader proficiency/competent writer, to know to use in practical social of reading and writing the strategical ones and procedures that greater confers fluency and effectiveness to the process of felt production and attribution of to the texts with which if PALAVRAS-CHAVES interacts: reader, mediator, reading, school, culture, text INTRODUCTION we cannot leave to think about aspect that says respect of that we are all readers, independent to the fact to be reading or not. This if must to the term of that we do not read only verbal language, since the world if presents we through this language.