SCIELO Assistance

2 METHOD the present study is characterized as a qualitative boarding, where the used method was the exploratrio-description. The survey was carried through through the bibliographical scientific article revision with research in the data bases SCIELO, Reviewed of Nursing and protocols specialized in intravenosa therapy. The search of data was carried through during the period of August the October of 2010, considering as word-key: Nursing; Intravenosa therapy; UTI Neonatal; PICC. For more information see this site: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . The criterion used for inclusion of the scientific material of the election had been published national scientific articles in Portuguese who approach the subject. For this had been analyzed 48 3 registers and used 15. the ASSISTANCE OF NURSING IN the THERAPEUTICAL INTRAVENOSA? A CHALLENGE TO BE SURPASSED the assistance of nursing in a Unit of Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) demand supervision, humanizada assistance, ability, respect and sensitivity on the part of all the team, therefore the neonatos are extremely vulnerable and need intensive cares for being highly dependents. (TEIXEIRA, PEAR TREE, HISSES, 2009) In the perinatal period the main factor of risk of morbidade and mortality is prematurity, being one of the main just-been born causes of internment of in Units of Intensive Treatment Neonatal.

(CAMARGO et al., 2008) the assistance in the therapeutical intravenosa of critically sick babies comes being one of the areas of bigger attention on the part of the health professionals. (LOURENO, KAKEHASHI, 2003) the Intravenosa Therapy is used in patients who possess the incapacity to ingest necessary and adequate amounts of fluid, electrolytes, vitamins and/or calories, in situations of hidroeletroltico disequilibrium, loss of blood, disfuno of some agencies and systems, burnt infection, surgical procedures and/or in great. The dangerous way is considered fastest and. The administration of drugs and solutions is introduced directly in the space to intravascular, exceeding, therefore some barriers of absorption. (QUARRY, CHAUD, 2004) the just-been born ones (RNS) of risk need continuous cares, and coexist diverse invasive, estressantes therapies and in the great majority of the painful times, which produce physiological and mannering clutter in the neonato, intervening negative with the assistance the same.