At the next purchase, memory recalls that a similar piece was bought. Helps austerity measures further among other to save a budget book, without the own default to neglect. Only awareness of the own finances helps to restrain themselves and the daily temptations was to keep. How to lead a household book? Of course remains up to each form in which he leads his budget book. Like Virtual PC freaks can do that, traditionalists choose the booklet form. It is only important that it leads it every day on the expenditure incurred. A day later most people can no longer remember every detail, which cost money. But even the small amounts add up during the time of considerable magnitude as the budget book proves impressively.
The opening of balance sheet over each month emblazoned the output level or as defined budget as the current account balance in the budget book. Do not hesitate to enter him, even if he should be provided with a minus. The budget book will help you to eliminate the Red number. The credit side now the positive: List everything, what you can post within a month as a regular income. Typically, the salary, wage, pensions, supplementary contributions or State benefits will be. If you have annually maturing revenue, such as leases, interest, or royalties, take proportionally calculated with these on the month. Include anything, which is not secure. Get a tax refund, contrary to expectations, you have a nice extra, but not guaranteed spreadsheet size. The fixed expenditure under this heading capture all expenditures, which are needed monthly to ensure your existence.