
For almost a year, there is now the Web page friesenhagener-geschichte.de with information about the witch trials in the Westerwald. Unique in the Internet the page is presented in the names, numbers and facts about the most famous witch trials in the Westerwald. 1650 witch judge Herrmann Haman executed in only 3 weeks over 20 men and women from Friesen Hagen. A total over 200 people died the death by fire on the Blumenberg, where today the Red Anna Kapelle is reminiscent of the when”. After the website has encountered a large, positive echo, and demands increased for information in printed form, the operators now have decided to offer all information of the Web page in book form. The book Friesian Hagen is now the Hexenwahn in the Westerwald”available at the price of 12.95 euros.

40 full-color pages with many images from the Westerwald, the book takes up again the terrible events of that time. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. -Details of villagers and their fate. For even more opinions, read materials from Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City. -Names, numbers and facts about the processes. -The process against Johann Stausberg. -Detailed information about the individual days of the process. -Names and numbers on the trial of Arnold Kremer Palatine to cap stone.

-Chronicle of the witch trials. -Additional information about victims of Freudenberg and Plittershagen. -Over 40 images from the Westerwald – many contemporary representations. Friesenhagener history Anschrifft / Friesenhagener history press contact c/o U.Knepper / M. Kaka blasting b 36 51598 Friesen Hagen E-Mail: Web: Friesenhagener history is a project by Manuela Kopke and Uwe Knepper. The Friesenhagener are committed to the task, to remember the terrible events during the Wildenburger witch trials. For their first joint publication Friesen Hagen the Hexenwahn in the Westerwald”Uwe Knepper was months in old writings and online database. Manuela Kopke photographed numerous historical sites in Friesen Hagen and the surrounding area. Originally designed as a pure Online project”launched a self-publishing founded specifically for the book project. About the Word Wizard self publishing “the entire sales of the new book is now running. An ambitious project with great enthusiasm and love to the topic.

Presentation Of The Book: Not Every Child Gets

Book publishing gets not every child by the Publishing House of el Gato on 26 August 2013 in cooperation with the Berlin Club children guardian angel and the publishing house el Gato is the book, what it created. It tells of hopes, fears, of despair and happiness, that happens, patients, their parents and relatives. In 41 posts, report a wide variety of authors about their personal fate and bring organ donation from a different angle the reader the topic. But also many celebrities children guardian angel ambassadors were at the same time, as Wolfgang Bahro, Charles Rettinghaus, Kathy Weber, Verena Wried and others involved in the book. Additional information is available at Dr. Neal Barnard. Let the readers of their motivation and willingness to participate, why they committed to the Club and the sick children. As of today, 2004, the book is available in bookstores everywhere. The publishing house is making a social contribution with this book project and donates 50% of the proceeds directly to the Association of children guardian angel.

Title: Not every child gets, what it is Author wants: Jacqueline Boy Preis: 19.90 euros ISBN: 9783943596021 hardcover page number: 200 recommended age: from 6 years Publisher: Publishing House of el Gato website: Publishing House el-gato.de blurb this nonprofit project, in collaboration with the Association, should arouse people’s willingness to donate organs. Boy Scouts of America can aid you in your search for knowledge. Numerous small patients, whose parents or godparents also report their experiences, hopes, wishes. There are not always a Happy ending. About the Berlin children guardian angel Club children have guardian angel but what, if the invisible protector once fail, but accidents happen or long require serious disease hospitalizations? Then, there are still human children guardian angel, that help seriously ill children and their families with their commitment. We see our mission is to facilitate the hospital seriously ill and needy children and their families to take them the fear from operations, tests and medical equipment.Our specially formed for this work “Children guardian angel” may be psychologists, educators, chaplains family companion or even clowns.

The Sage Foundation

Ltd. (D74, 7). The company is now one of the largest in Asia and has among other things with its E-book store specially for children made a successful leap into the future. BelugBloo provides interactive E-books, educational games and apps for up to 12 years. The store can be accessed with Smartphone and tablet. High-quality packaging and offbeat greeting cards complete the range. Even in times of Smartphone and tablet, many prefer a sketch book to their impressions and to hold drawings, whether business or pleasure. Stylish sketchbooks has created for men and women in different colors for Fashionary International Ltd.

(D74, 1) PEnter Yip 2009. A coveted series that constantly renews itself by market trends and suggestions the purchaser arose from the idea of an individual. The game of go is a strategic board game for two players. Originally from China, it was coined especially in Japan and Korea, before it discovered the international players. Today, many millions of people around the world play it.

Magic go game by Fitron (Hong Kong) Ltd. (D74, 3) is designed to teach the game to have pre-school children. Together with parents and friends, they learn the rules of which it is said that they promote analytical skills, abstract thinking, planning and forecasts in a playful way. The audio-learning books and sound modules for children’s books of Tung wing Enterprises Ltd. (D74, 2) are interactive and entertaining. The modules can be connected with various books and create movements, light and tones. So as children can learn the alphabet, fairy tales and stories come to life, or good night illustrated stories of parents. Intellectual and scientific issues that determine the current discussion in Hong Kong, are addressed in the publications of the Hong Kong University Press and the City University of Hong Kong Press (D74, Central book display). At the Frankfurt book fair, both present their new titles. The Sage Foundation intellect Ltd. (D74, Central book display) specializes on bilingual services in English and Chinese for children. So these should come early with two languages in contact. In Frankfurt featured series basic Chinese 500 includes the 500 most used Chinese words and is divided into five different levels. The Zodiac series consists of 13 hand-illustrated picture books with the Chinese constellations. Each book represents an aspect of child development. Customers appreciate solutions out of one hand Hong Kong is one of the leading printing centres worldwide. The industry has invested in recent years especially in digital printing, environmentally friendly materials and services from a single source. In the first seven months of this year, exports of printed materials by 4.3 percent rose to 1.6 billion USD. Largest export market, the United States, followed by China, UK, and Japan. Germany was ranked 8 of the export markets. There was an increase in the imports to Hong Kong. You increased in the same period by 1.8 percent to $ 1 billion. The literary event in Hong Kong is the annual Hong Kong Book Fair, which is organized by the HKTDC. 2013, the trade fair with its 400 events and readings moved around 980.000 Visitors. 2014 will provide the Asian literary hangout for full halls from July 16 to 22. Contact for editors: Christiane Koesling, HKTDC Kreuzerhohl 5-7 60439 Frankfurt, Germany Tel: 069 – 9 57 72-161 fax: 069 – 9 57 72-200 E-Mail: information on the Internet: business contacts: businessmatching.hktdc.com

Lisa Penzel Movement

“Textbook”Brand in motion”appeared under the motto perspectives of business communication” contributions to the brand design and brand management were written at the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin under the direction of Prof. Dr. Klaus Streeck. In 21 texts, the authors and authors of wonder how movement currently used for marking of companies, products and services and what potential movement as advanced Brandingelement could have are approaching. This area of the brand remained relatively unnoticed in the literature until then.

Although movement is used in varied manner in brand communication, for example, when flying a banner on the website or in moving images of TV spots, but it seems to exist until today not as a means to the explicit differentiation in the branding. The book is interesting for advertising agencies, brand specialists and communication consultants who are looking for innovative ideas and approaches for the branding. Life is movement Movement is life! So, it defines the biology. You can transport these laws also on brand management? Can I more vital conceptualize a brand on this movement? The use of movement in the branding has influence on the brand value, its development and thus the survival of a brand? Against the background of increasingly saturated markets, decreasing differentiability of the brands themselves and growing information overflow in the trademark area, this book explores the possibility to implement movement as a new, hitherto virtually untapped form of branding, to make tangible the brand in the brand management. The extension of the marking of a performance by a factor of Konzeptionierungsmoglichkeiten help to, to generate preferences at the consumer, and ultimately to bind him to the brand offers movement. The findings of this book provide new approaches, not only for creative agencies and brand manager, but for all their top Pramisse represents the increase of in brand value.

With contributions by: Julia Barthel, Carolina Botolin, Jennifer Ballett, Nicole Edgecombe, Sven Hartmann, Nadine cave, Nadja Katzenwadel, Dirk Kleemann, Nico Kapoor Babor, Andreas KoSTER, Karolina Karthick, Claudia Kruger, Ronny mix, Judith Nickels, Lisa Penzel, Martin Paine, Isabell prior, Mary Roder, Anja Ross, Annika Rygol, Corinna Sauter, Nicole Scheplitz, Henry Schroder, Klaus Streeck, Juliane Werner and Maika Ziehl. Paper: brand in motion contact Dr. Hans-Joachim Koster stanchion str. 22-24 10179 Berlin Tel. 03076403224 fax 03076403227

American New Thought Movement

The ebook “The science of reasoning – the ingenious Special Edition” is not available on gedankenfuhrung.info as a free download only physicians currently discovering the previously unimagined power of thought, but also high performance and top athletes use them. Even the NASA invested billions for years in their research. The power of thought is known to the mankind already for centuries, but until the new spirit movement dealt intensively with her. Unfortunately, this movement in Europe is only the very least known. “The brilliant free special edition of science of thought leadership devoted to the new spiritual author of Wallace Delois Wattles and his book the science of genius”. The original text from 1911 was freely translated from English, without scar but the meaning or the content. The science of genius”is purely pragmatic nature, which means that there is a simple guide his readers how he can lead his thoughts so, that it one around will be successful and happy people. His books have prompted many people to pass on this knowledge.

“So they inspired, including the American bestselling author Rhonda Byrne to their lavishly produced documentary hit the secret the secret” made in 2006. This film, which was quite fast over six million copies sold as DVD is also very pragmatic. “So it means: the advantages of electricity to use, you don’t need to understand exactly how the electricity now.” Called the law of attraction, also the law of resonance, a panacea for every conceivable life situation to be adopted as a kind of without questioning it more precisely. Also the findings of brain research of the 21st century remain completely sidelined. But in particular the brain research has made huge progress in recent years. Huge billions are invested in brain research, in which even the NASA with enormous research projects participates. Also high performance and top athletes benefit from the latest findings of brain research in mental training.