University Town

Initiative citizens Foundation Bochum has launched the campaign lets come together on the Hustadt fixed the initiative citizens Foundation was Bochum as an Association of citizens and citizens of Bochum founded, to do for the people in this city high. Behind it is the belief that we are all jointly responsible for the society in which we live. There are strong for the weak and everyone, what is possible for him unless time, ideas or money. Jennifer Aaker brings even more insight to the discussion. This is to be achieved in particular by the Association promotes the establishment of a public foundation for the city of Bochum, and promotes. Aim of the citizens Foundation Bochum, the citizens and businesses in the Central Ruhr area take over more responsibility for shaping their community. This should happen on the one through the acquisition of endowments and donations which should enable the citizens Foundation, to promote regional projects, in particular in the fields of youth, culture and Social Affairs. On the other hand, citizens should be motivated to engage volunteers and their ideas in the citizen’s Foundation and the projects supported by her. Should also be promoted through the Community Foundation of the cooperation with the already active in Bochum charitable foundations, associations and civil society initiatives.

Aims, in Bochum and the Ruhr area, to mobilize forces of innovation, to bundle and total to strengthen the community in this way. The Association also promotes the teaching of literacy, environmental awareness, in particular in the area of renewable energies such as solar energy, as well as an intercultural competence as a central task of child and youth welfare. \”\” \”It is children and young people as a trusted and competent handling of the medium Internet\”, radio\”and television\” be taught. It also should be pointed out what opportunities but also risks bring media with it and thus how to in terms of a democratic society.

Nationwide Advocacy For Dependent Children

On the 10th October 2011 celebrates its first anniversary of Kinder care network e.V. and can look back on a successful first year of his Association’s activities. Berlin, 10.10.2011 – since October 2010 takes the non-profit Club kinder care network e.V. of the special situation of families with dependent children and adolescents contact. He provides information about long-term care insurance and care, networked with each other and with experts concerned families and publicly makes child care case’ attention. The project is unique throughout Germany. It collects information and counselling services specifically to child care case”. Long-term care deals with the topic in politics, the media and the public debate unfortunately almost exclusively in connection with the age.

Parents find themselves hardly with dependent children.”so Claudia Groth, first Chairman of the Association. At least 93,000 children, teenagers and young adults up to the age of 20 have a care level 7/2010 fact mirror in Germany according to BKK. You make but less than three percent of infirm people in Germany. It is therefore necessary to a special education in many directions. Numerous partnerships were closed in the first year, to cover the topic faster in the width. A workshop for school and family helper was designed and established. Conducted information sessions and meetings to exchange experiences for parents.

In addition numerous individual consultations took place and several thematic events, conferences and congresses were attended by the Board of Directors. For pediatricians, a fact sheet is prepared, to be distributed soon. The whole work has been done on a voluntary basis. The children network would care still implement many projects in order to shorten the path to information on the possibilities of long-term care insurance families with children with additional needs. The ideas and others provide members with their different experiences as a concerned parent, therapist or Children’s nurses. “” Until November 15, 2011 you can support the Association in a special way: only with a few clicks it is possible Dandgaval and your club, the action “1000 for the Club Treasury locker” to make. Anyone who has a valid E-Mail address can vote.