
Normally means immaturity in development lower than normal psychic development, until the age of 14 years, and can observe in them learning and behavior problems. It is students who for various reasons can experience a delay in the normal rhythm of its evolutionary development and which shows no mental retardation. It is important that parents and teachers are aware of the characteristics of this disorder, as well as the main learning areas that tend to be affected to design adaptations on the methodology used and so be able to respond to the needs that these students employed in areas that are described below. In the area of literacy:-its reading is choppy, syllabic, imaginative, lost line. -Sometimes they have lack of reading comprehension. -Bad spelling. -Irregular, sometimes illegible letter. -They commit omissions, substitutions, investments.

-They get very nervous when reading aloud. -Low written expression. In the area of Mathematics:-slow in the calculation mental or counted on the fingers. -They have a hard learn multiplication tables. -Difficulty in troubleshooting reasoned. -Put the result directly without explaining the strategy.

Each student has to a greater or lesser extent these symptoms. Sometimes under the label of school delay there may be pupils with an undiagnosed dyslexia. In general:-are very imaginative, creative and sensitive students. -Lack of attention. -It seems that they don’t listen, they are in their world. -He copied in Slate is difficult. -Evil grab the pencil. -Slow in the execution of the tasks. What to do if you identify it in the classroom? -Lead you to the Counselor for the Center (if any) so that they are diagnosed to this student and derive the appropriate professional. -Talk to the parents to come to a specialized center, to make him a pedagogical assessment or to solve this delay. How help you in the classroom? -Make sure that you understand well the tasks because they often do not understand them. -Evaluate their performance based on their own efforts and accomplishments, rather than evaluate you with respect to the students in your class. -Recognize that they are working children much more than others to achieve the same level of knowledge. -Patience is a key element as they have alternation of good and bad days, are inconsistent in their performance. -Reinforce them positively. Within the different special educational needs that exist, the case of the maturative delay is particularly sensitive, since they are children who do not experience a so significant distance from the rest of his teammates, as if may occur to a student with mental retardation, they realize everything that happens to her around, the rejection of their peers or prejudices they may have his teachers towards them. Therefore, it is essential to count with the help of a psychoeducational Cabinet that regularly attend the regular school which the child attends and coordinates with professionals involved him, provide intervention strategies, may provide adaptive materials, etc.