The 24

This can appear as consequncia of trivial traumas and present sintomatologia weeks or months after the trauma. For even more analysis, hear from Nieman Foundation. The subdurais hematomas cause diffuse upheavals in general, confusional syndrome. Frequently Sean Rad, Los Angeles CA has said that publicly. Dficits neuropsicolgicos is reversible in the majority of the cases as soon as ceases compression (JUNQU; BRUNA; MATAR, 2001). The subaracnidea hemorrhage is a bleed that extravasa for the space subaracnide, that he is situated enters the two meninges the arachnoid one to piamter. In many cases it is detected by lumbar puno, this hemorrhage it can cause hidrocefalia and it can produce ischemic injuries for vasoespasmo (ROWLAND, 2002). The hemorrhages intraventriculares can cause the death for compression, as well as confusionais states, changes of character and amnesia, for the compression of the lmbico system, that ace times is irreversible. In more serious cases they can cause dementias of frontolmbicas characteristics (JUNQU; BRUNA; MATAR, 2001). The intracerebrais hematomas costumam to develop in the lobes secular and frontal, after a trauma.

They are the responsible ones for sequelas neuropsicolgicas focal, reversible depending on its size, localization and relative implication of the cinereous substance. Sequelas enters more frequent they are to the nominal aphasia or difficulty in evoking the name of objects (JUNQU; BRUNA; MATAR, 2001). CEREBRAL 2.5CONTUSES AND LACERAES the cerebral bruises are focal hemorrhages in parnquima, that they elapse of esfoladuras of the brain to if moving through the internal surface of the skull, can occur in the place of the breaking. Normally multiple the small bruises are e, frequent increase of size in 12 the 24 hours being able to prove one day the injury after. Already the lacerao is the rupture of meninges or the fabric cerebral, generally consequncia of cuts caused for acute edges of depressed cranianos fragmentos (ROWLAND, 2002). 2.6EDEMA CEREBRAL edema cerebral has as characteristic basic the increase of the volume of extra water and intracellular, they can be focal or diffuse and sufficients will be had intensities, can create a mass effect that can lead the death for compression.

Company Questionnaires

Therefore the companies always aim at the profit, the motto of the capitalism, the more will be able to take off of a collaborator to reach its goals better, not importing itself with the quality that is given to these inside of the institution where they work. A well typical example of this, is that in the majority of the companies questionnaires always exist to verify the satisfaction of the customer how much to the offered and given services, but never with regard to the quality of what the company offers its collaborator. BSA has compatible beliefs. educative actions is always prompt and registered rigorously to appear in documents that will be inspected in the future it institution to be believed or to keep its credibility, that is, only what it is the order, what he would not have to happen to improve the quality, really. .

SCIELO Assistance

2 METHOD the present study is characterized as a qualitative boarding, where the used method was the exploratrio-description. The survey was carried through through the bibliographical scientific article revision with research in the data bases SCIELO, Reviewed of Nursing and protocols specialized in intravenosa therapy. The search of data was carried through during the period of August the October of 2010, considering as word-key: Nursing; Intravenosa therapy; UTI Neonatal; PICC. For more information see this site: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . The criterion used for inclusion of the scientific material of the election had been published national scientific articles in Portuguese who approach the subject. For this had been analyzed 48 3 registers and used 15. the ASSISTANCE OF NURSING IN the THERAPEUTICAL INTRAVENOSA? A CHALLENGE TO BE SURPASSED the assistance of nursing in a Unit of Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) demand supervision, humanizada assistance, ability, respect and sensitivity on the part of all the team, therefore the neonatos are extremely vulnerable and need intensive cares for being highly dependents. (TEIXEIRA, PEAR TREE, HISSES, 2009) In the perinatal period the main factor of risk of morbidade and mortality is prematurity, being one of the main just-been born causes of internment of in Units of Intensive Treatment Neonatal.

(CAMARGO et al., 2008) the assistance in the therapeutical intravenosa of critically sick babies comes being one of the areas of bigger attention on the part of the health professionals. (LOURENO, KAKEHASHI, 2003) the Intravenosa Therapy is used in patients who possess the incapacity to ingest necessary and adequate amounts of fluid, electrolytes, vitamins and/or calories, in situations of hidroeletroltico disequilibrium, loss of blood, disfuno of some agencies and systems, burnt infection, surgical procedures and/or in great. The dangerous way is considered fastest and. The administration of drugs and solutions is introduced directly in the space to intravascular, exceeding, therefore some barriers of absorption. (QUARRY, CHAUD, 2004) the just-been born ones (RNS) of risk need continuous cares, and coexist diverse invasive, estressantes therapies and in the great majority of the painful times, which produce physiological and mannering clutter in the neonato, intervening negative with the assistance the same.

Hospital Pharmacy

Management of the quality in Hospital Pharmacy the Hospital Pharmacy is an administrative and economic clinical unit, directed for pharmaceutical professional, on hierarchically to the direction of the hospital and integrated functionally with the too much units of assistance the patient. The Management in Hospital Pharmacy, of exclusive responsibility of the DRUGGIST, must be focada in giving pharmaceutical assistance. The hospital druggist is the responsible one for the activities of the pharmacy of a hospital. He has the basic functions to select (to standardize), to request, to receive, to store, to excuse (as the evolution of the system, in collective dose, individual or unitria) and to control medicines (in such a way the controlled ones for law, how much the antimicrobialses), observing the teachings of the farmacoeconomia, farmacovigilncia and of good practical of storage and the dispensao. For this the hospital pharmacy must establish in its organization practical managemental that leads the processes more insurances, with quality concepts, valuing the management of people and processes, taking care of to the norms and current law in the Country.

Auditorship and the management for the quality the auditorship, as tool of management for the quality in the health services, aims at to provide the auditado one and its manages of a chance of improvement of the processes under its responsibility. It has as objective: To determine the conformity of the elements of a system or service to the /normas/requisitos standards established by the organization, that is, to verify if the system is functioning in agreement the foreseen one. To observe if the normatizados processes has its obeyed procedures, to verify if the staff this adequately trained. To evaluate if not-conformity they are identified and corrected and if these corrections they occur with rapidity, effectiveness and efficiency of form to guarantee the fulfilment of the goals proposal for the organization. Process of auditorship In accordance with its objectives, the auditorship can be classified as: Countable: it can be defined as the survey, study and the systematic evaluation, with the objective to supply to its users an opinion impartial and based on norms and principles on its adequacy? Of management: evaluation of results and evidence of quality, played next to the managers of the SUS.