Smartphones and tablets make digital content of the newspapers even Frankfurt/Main Mobile Mobile as the Print Edition, February 1, 2013. The newspapers reach 6.2 million users per month with their mobile offerings in Germany. This corresponds to 28.9 per cent of users of the mobile Internet. This is the result the special evaluation comes up the ZMG newspaper marketing company based of the current AGOF mobile facts II 2012. newspapers have always been mobile.
You take everywhere the printed”, explains Markus Ruppe, Managing Director of ZMG newspaper marketing company. On Smartphones and tablets the newspaper is available now digitally for many people at any time in any place.” 2.8 Million readers between 14 and 29 years because young people often use the mobile Internet, make them the largest group of mobile newspaper readers: 2.8 million of the 14-to 29-year old read via mobile newspaper. These are 30 percent of all mobile users in this age group. Achieve better than average high-income target group reach Mobile newspaper pages for example high-income target group: 3.7 million of a total 6.2 million mobile newspaper readers have on a household income of more than 2,500 euros. The evaluations for print and online users of newspapers documenting similar. So among other things the Allensbach Werbetrager analysis AWA confirms a high social and economic status the newspaper readers 2012.
The ZMG newspaper marketing company is the central marketing service provider of newspaper publishers. It provides research, planning and consulting. It supports advertisers and agencies with practical media planning services to the advertising effect control. Contact person: ZMG newspaper marketing company Ulrike Sand spokeswoman Tel. 069/97 38 22-22 fax 069/97 38 22-51 E-Mail