Being A Boss

“If I were boss, like I say,” This has gone very well “would look for a man, a girl or a boy whose heart leaps with joy to give a word of praise, and you would get where mutitud could hear while is pasaeba. If I would find the boss man he had the right job and whenever I hear of a thing well done, I want to tell me the name of the author, and directed me to him, give pats on the back, and say: “This has been truly remarkable, Jaime” Well, a bit of praise is not to much but is cherished by the hearts of all who live, and not a single man in this good old earth that is not pleased when told that he has done something good and a kind word, when the job is perfect, you want and is well received everywhere. If I were head I’m sure he could always say a kind word for the man who has worked all day, needs more than a weekly salary. (A valuable related resource: Nieman Foundation). He likes to know when the sun sets, if the head happy with the work he has done. Anonymous As a build confidence Confidence is invaluable to the overall success of one of the persons in-person I know who are at the top of the country’s largest companies, the quality that is considered more important and high is a feeling of righteousness solid and firm. The higher asciente a person in his activity, the more important it is for their colleagues and superiors feel they can trust his word a. “A person who does not dispense with their moral convictions car to bus their own interest.