Brunch outdoors 2013 Bremen – the summer trend In the summer is sitting back outside, keep a cool drink in hand, and brunch with friends. Many restaurants offer great brunches, but on terms which are in times of saving with the wallet in line. Who wants to give but still not sure and want to align yourself a small food event, sometimes don’t know, what all is needed. First of all the question where it should take place, is because eventually the host needs a location for its guests and as a garden, a terrace or a very large balcony would are perhaps good. But then, what does the more design next, how does and what dishes fit for a summer brunch? Are also vegetarians or even diabetics on their cost? All these questions are answered by the authors of contactor and Bajpai in her community work on party with brunch. For years, both authors deal with a healthy Kohl hydrate poor diet, she is known by the English name of low carb. In this book, the authors present a low carb Brunch for 10 persons with the appropriate shopping list.
All recipes are carbohydrate-poor designed and created with lots of flavor. By low carb seeds bread low-carbohydrate hot and cold dishes, as well as easy desserts sweetened with stevia everything belongs to a healthy and delicious brunch – enjoy at home and properly enjoy your own low carb party wish the authors. Book: Low carb party – baking in glass brunch with shopping list (also vegetarian) authors: Jutta Schutz and Sabine Bajwa Publisher: books on demand GmbH, Norderstedt ISBN 978-3-7322-3250-5 EURO 8.90 page number: 104 E-BOOK ISBN 978-3-8482-8445-0 EURO 6.99 more low carb cooking and baking books, as well as interesting Advisor, visit the Web sites of the authors of contactor and Bajwa. Web addresses: and company portrait: the author Bajpai was born in 1964 and lives with her Family in Bremen. Several years, she worked in the food industry. The Bremen district court it was deployed for more than 20 years as a caregiver for a disabled person. Currently, she looked after elderly people and besides, writes as former colon patient, books with own testimonials and about the form of nutrition low carb low-carbohydrate diet.