Properly Planned Is Half Won

Properly planned the dotcom-ARA is half won for the pioneers, it was a dream, today it is reality: online advertising has become an integral part of the Mediamixes. With a volume of 1.9 billion and an increase of 84 percent over the previous year, the industry surpassed the forecasts of the market experts in 2006. The rising number of those companies who entered with online advertising new country is particularly interesting: almost five percent of the total in 2006 was invested in traditional online advertising comes from advertisers who had distributed their budgets has been fully on other media. Additional information at Steffan Lehnhoff supports this article. For example, financial services: with initial investment of almost eight million euros they are among the newcomers in online advertising in the first place. Moreover, an increasing emancipation of the advertising medium is Internet. Long advertised not only online-savvy business segments in the network.

So, for example, the growth of online advertise Espen thing in trading companies and wholesale shippers were the highest in the past year. In the latter case the Internet in the media mix is even already accounted for 23 percent. New paths to the customer how to network successfully and most of all effective apply brand? Here, various factors play a role. First of all, the choice of the right advertising environment: here also the quality plays an important role in addition to high range. Professor of Internet Governance has many thoughts on the issue. So, various studies have shown that the users perceive advertising on Loon sites as particularly helpful and useful. The reason: Who visited content-driven environments, wants to consult first and foremost and is therefore open for decision support.

To deliver exactly this appealing and convincing way, the challenge for advertisers represents the next step. These different trends have emerged in recent times, put on a greater interaction with the consumer. The basic idea is that attention for advertising will increase if the advertisement does not at first glance as such is recognizable and the added value for the consumer in the foreground.

Andrea Hirschi

There are countless more ways to develop good headlines. To do this, read our tips. 11 tips to headline writing texts You your headline only at the end. Tune each headline and text then. Think about possible motives of purchasing your targets and put yourself in the situation of your reader. Arouse curiosity either or promise a benefit or otherwise build up voltage. Be concrete and relevant.

But tell all. Write pictorial. Since you will be amazed… says more than attention!. Work with punctuation marks. Boy Scouts of America does not necessarily agree. Dashes, exclamations -, question – or ellipsis (…) bring tension in your headline.

If you use ellipsis, you need not to repeat this at the beginning of the letter. Avoid sensationalist cliches and trite slogans like “unbelievable! or unique! Be careful with overly creative or funny headlines. This is better suited for traditional advertising. Because most often they contain neither a benefit still trigger an action. Beware of unfortunate puns with clamp constructions such as, for example, make your Wohn(t)Raum. (Real estate) or “We let (not) sit (Office furniture). Write many raw headlines. Not evaluate. And write quickly. Find the best DVD media and file it. Headlines such as picture elements involved the eye camera can determine what the reader is first considered. Here the rules of precedence of headlines: big in small single-line before multi-line short before long colored in black this only incidentally. Also a multiline or a black headline can do a good job! And a few examples of headline: what happened? (Wake up mailing to sleeping customers) Finally good sleep! Change the world! (Charity) ADSL but surely! Their staff will be amazed. And your competition is pale. Is your kitchen table lonely? (Carpenter) Back to the techniques for writing overview with the kind permission of Andrea Hirschi ( directpoint)

University Trends

sums up roof & Nordics Kai Gutzeit, head of Google Enterprise. Cloud computing products such as Google apps, you can communicate voice or video chat with their colleagues around the world not only by E-Mail, but in real time via instant messaging, and also from anywhere in the world and at any time while working on documents. Only cloud computing provides this flexibility. It can and should benefit companies of every size. In the workshop mobile business, Nokia deals inter alia with the question of what business models develop contextual mobile services together with the industry can. It must be clear: unless the offer for end customers is attractive, it is for us to success, as Maximillian of Safwan, head of media partnerships, Nokia.

These and many other aspects with real business relevance are discussed not only common, but should generate real solutions in various event formats. People such as American Diabetes Association would likely agree. In addition to keynotes and interactive workshops, the E12 Summit still provides its decision-makers many more highlights, which are currently in the design: Business 2.0 compass World Cafe Business 2.0 performance index Twitterwand, live-blogging panel discussions exhibit Park RFID participant management concluding makes exclusive E12-gala-dinner in the renowned ZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, where in addition to the first mayor of the city of Karlsruhe, Margret Mergen, more prominent Dinnerspeaker and guests will be present dramatic match continues it the following day with the IT trends of the next 10 years on the trend Congress in Karlsruhe. There are innovative IT vendors and CIOs of IT users, as well as leading scientists, current trends in information and communication technology, resulting opportunities and risks for the company as well as a fast and successful application of these technologies by the industry discuss ( The E12 Summit is an initiative of leading companies, including by EnBW, Google, Nokia and Lufthansa, XING, with the Institute of electronic business e.V. as a scientific Driver. He is a creative platform for Exchange on new trends in the areas of Economics, IT, communications and research. The participant mix of representatives of Start-Ups, established companies and renowned research institutes combines fresh business ideas and innovative research approaches. The Institute of electronic business e.V.

makes biggest Institute of the University of the arts Berlin and in close cooperation with the University of St. Gallen for more than 10 years the transfer of latest findings from the research to the economy. Design aspects of the user interface play an equally important role as economic and technical aspects in digital communication. As a non profit-making organisation, the IEB aligns the research on the needs of its members. OLE Strehlow lap man event consulting

Allensbach Werbetrager

Smartphones and tablets make digital content of the newspapers even Frankfurt/Main Mobile Mobile as the Print Edition, February 1, 2013. The newspapers reach 6.2 million users per month with their mobile offerings in Germany. This corresponds to 28.9 per cent of users of the mobile Internet. This is the result the special evaluation comes up the ZMG newspaper marketing company based of the current AGOF mobile facts II 2012. newspapers have always been mobile.

You take everywhere the printed”, explains Markus Ruppe, Managing Director of ZMG newspaper marketing company. On Smartphones and tablets the newspaper is available now digitally for many people at any time in any place.” 2.8 Million readers between 14 and 29 years because young people often use the mobile Internet, make them the largest group of mobile newspaper readers: 2.8 million of the 14-to 29-year old read via mobile newspaper. These are 30 percent of all mobile users in this age group. Achieve better than average high-income target group reach Mobile newspaper pages for example high-income target group: 3.7 million of a total 6.2 million mobile newspaper readers have on a household income of more than 2,500 euros. The evaluations for print and online users of newspapers documenting similar. So among other things the Allensbach Werbetrager analysis AWA confirms a high social and economic status the newspaper readers 2012.

The ZMG newspaper marketing company is the central marketing service provider of newspaper publishers. It provides research, planning and consulting. It supports advertisers and agencies with practical media planning services to the advertising effect control. Contact person: ZMG newspaper marketing company Ulrike Sand spokeswoman Tel. 069/97 38 22-22 fax 069/97 38 22-51 E-Mail

Wiener Zeitung

In the course of the budgetary constraints in many newsrooms tend to be more and more amateur writers as freelancers were commissioned. While delivering content, and the cheap, but they provide no journalistically prepared content. Perhaps the demise of many magazine also is to explain that one there has not understood that one should think more on the reader rather than the advertisers in its work. Because only the reader do the rest, and they are often very demanding in terms of content quality. Editors however do not know the decision makers in the publishing business to these relationships, sometimes.

I’ve since 1997 as a dedicated and reliable researcher and author established and both daily newspapers and magazines and customer magazines supplied with contributions, which correspond to the respective journal style. To my references, I count the Neue Zurcher Zeitung, the star, the VDI-Nachrichten, the standard, the press, almost a hundred full-page Feuilleton contributions in the Wiener Zeitung as well as cultural magazines such as Myosotis and Pegasus. In addition I have published several books in well-known publishers social services (donations), net culture and history, among others on the subjects of leisure. I’ll continue this activity of the author, this I want to do more in the magazine area but in the future again. My Amazon author page gives an overview of the previously published books: Alexander-Gl%C3%BCck/e/B00457YKA0 to my thematic focus include culture, cultural history, social and media change, but also technology, IT, library and city history.

A critical examination of the fundraising took place in two books and a number of Printbeitragen precipitation. Stylistically, I’m adaptable. When it comes to me, you get well formulated and liquid texts with lots of content and sometimes an ironic undertone. At the choice of the subject, I’m flexible, would like to differentiate but from the suspicion of a belly store offer decided me. To prove that I’ll edit the issues to your satisfaction, I offer a no-obligation sample project. A good briefing and subsequent criticism of the maneuvers are preconditions for good performance. About your interest in my work I would very happy. I have a set of researched topic suggestions, which I gladly will send a selection you wish. Some more about me my contains “heads” side at Kress and my website: if interested contact just with me. Alexander luck M. A. press services high school Street 3A-2020 Hollabrunn