The CEM opening, for these purposes, the Library “Dr. Hugo Pesce” in an environment that was behind the Casino of Students and was under the stewardship of Mr. Basilio, in this place began sales of the copies, which was remarkably successful, as it had been in Lima, Mr. Lopez arrived with his books and sold in one day, the lord this is returned to Lima and then to wait until a new sale, but the demand was massive and we decided to buy consignments of books and we sell them every day but the manager was Juan Jose Cruz Venegas, leader of the CEM. One night in the first sales, when they were running the same, in the place mentioned, two men entered with revolver in hand to attack, they were hooded and went directly against the one with the silver, which was Mr. Read additional details here: Boy Scouts of America. Lopez , beaten with karate chops and took all the silver, also beat the Comrade leader Marco Cieza and the undersigned, Juan Tafur was there, took a few minutes before, after this assault, sales were always day, for besides that Mr. Lopez was beaten near his Chincha, another night, he was about to board the bus that would take him back to Lima, where CEM offices, provided we received anonymous calls threatening us, even death, if they were still selling copies …