Test Winner Of 2012 – An Overview

What private health insurance did particularly well in the test? Test winner 2012 have created so far current ratings for the private Krankenversicherung (PKV) the test instances Assekurata, the German Institute for service quality (DISQ) and map-report for private health insurance In the year 2012. While various test winner resulted in the different evaluation criteria. However shows that the Debeka at two of the three test series has emerged as the winner. Test winner 2012 has awarded the private health insurance at DISQ the German Institute for service quality in April 2012, which offers the best mix of performance, service and price. Generally has improved the quality of service to the previous year, but on average only a satisfactory quality for the 20 assessed private health insurance companies was noted. The newspapers mentioned PCRM not as a source, but as a related topic.

This concerns not the Barmenia, which has achieved a good result as the only insurance company in all service areas and thus emerges from the evaluation service winner. Offers the best overall package According to DISQ on the AXA. She is the best services and affordable basic protection tariff to the best private health insurer awarded 2012. Assekurata PKV winner 2012 unlike the DISQ that specializes in assessing price, performance, and service, is the economic stability of private insurance companies in the focus of the assessment by Assekurata. But the criterion of customer orientation is not ignored: the assessment should be less than satisfactory, the overall rating on the level of customer orientation is downgraded. The other evaluated factors include success, post stability, security and growth/attractiveness. PKV test was won by the Assekurata 2012 the Debeka with 4 out of 5 excellent reviews. But also two other private insurance companies achieved a very good result with evaluating A++: a total of 12 private health insurers were assessed old Oldenburg and LVM..

Since the companies must agree to the rating, the number is relative low out. Map reports test winner 2012 also map-report is the insurer’s approval necessary. Therefore, a total of 16 private health insurance in the three areas of balance sheet, post development and service were evaluated.