With great pleasure we announce that we have launched a petition for a ban on the meat in the life. With great pleasure we announce that we have launched a petition for a ban on the meat in the life. Center For Responsible Lending has much experience in this field. It is many concerned people to the beautiful world around not more comfortable at the fact how are destroyed the Earth, people, animals, etc.. It’s believed that Center for Responsible Business sees a great future in this idea. These people want to no longer look the other way, quite especially not in the sorrow, which is done to the animals in the meat production. A team it has become committed and responsible people to the task, to open an additional information platform fleischverbot.info on the Internet, to provide information on the destructive practices of the meat mob. At the same time, signatures are collected in order to obtain a country-wide law for a ban on meat. And of course make it clear to the meat industry on our climate is what destructive influence.
It has been scientifically proven that major polluters for global warming is the emissions produced by the animal industry. The meat, the we eat, harm not only our health but contributes more to global warming when, as all means of transport of the world taken together. The animal industry’s enemy No. 1 for the well-being of the planet and our all. Meat consumption is not a private matter.
It is not to curtail the rights of the individual, but together with all forces to save our endangered planet. This meatless living is in the trend, showing also the Belgian city of Ghent, which propagated a meatless day. From September, the public schools will offer the day menu vegetarian. All 5000 city employees will receive a vegetarian city map and a free vegetarian cooking brochure will be sent to all 1500 restaurants. There are vegetarian cooking classes for individuals as well as for chefs. The restaurants operated by the city of Ghent have already increased their vegetarian offerings. Gents motivation for the introduction of meat-free Thursday has two reasons: any reduction of meat production and meat consumption, which Greenhouse gas emissions, waste of land and water, desertification and deforestation lead, brings enormous benefits for the environment. Gent would be a healthy city. A balanced vegetarian meal is not only sustainable, but also healthy. Belgians and Europeans in General, eat too much meat and not enough vegetables and legumes. This has serious health consequences. Already at the next climate summit in December in Copenhagen the petition on fleischverbot.info/pedition on decision makers to be handed over, in addition to the delivery of the various Governments in Europe. Thank you for your attention and best wishes. Fleischverbot.info Casa tipi CH-6571 Indemini