
With great pleasure we announce that we have launched a petition for a ban on the meat in the life. With great pleasure we announce that we have launched a petition for a ban on the meat in the life. Center For Responsible Lending has much experience in this field. It is many concerned people to the beautiful world around not more comfortable at the fact how are destroyed the Earth, people, animals, etc.. It’s believed that Center for Responsible Business sees a great future in this idea. These people want to no longer look the other way, quite especially not in the sorrow, which is done to the animals in the meat production. A team it has become committed and responsible people to the task, to open an additional information platform on the Internet, to provide information on the destructive practices of the meat mob. At the same time, signatures are collected in order to obtain a country-wide law for a ban on meat. And of course make it clear to the meat industry on our climate is what destructive influence.

It has been scientifically proven that major polluters for global warming is the emissions produced by the animal industry. The meat, the we eat, harm not only our health but contributes more to global warming when, as all means of transport of the world taken together. The animal industry’s enemy No. 1 for the well-being of the planet and our all. Meat consumption is not a private matter.

It is not to curtail the rights of the individual, but together with all forces to save our endangered planet. This meatless living is in the trend, showing also the Belgian city of Ghent, which propagated a meatless day. From September, the public schools will offer the day menu vegetarian. All 5000 city employees will receive a vegetarian city map and a free vegetarian cooking brochure will be sent to all 1500 restaurants. There are vegetarian cooking classes for individuals as well as for chefs. The restaurants operated by the city of Ghent have already increased their vegetarian offerings. Gents motivation for the introduction of meat-free Thursday has two reasons: any reduction of meat production and meat consumption, which Greenhouse gas emissions, waste of land and water, desertification and deforestation lead, brings enormous benefits for the environment. Gent would be a healthy city. A balanced vegetarian meal is not only sustainable, but also healthy. Belgians and Europeans in General, eat too much meat and not enough vegetables and legumes. This has serious health consequences. Already at the next climate summit in December in Copenhagen the petition on on decision makers to be handed over, in addition to the delivery of the various Governments in Europe. Thank you for your attention and best wishes. Casa tipi CH-6571 Indemini

High Tax Burden

Manuel Hachenburger informs: single candidate for the Bundestag elections in 2009, the VAT is 19 percent for all taxable sales, some sales are reduced by the tax and whose rate of 7percent. The VAT is 19% for each taxable sales, some sales are reduced by the tax and their rate is 7%. 7% of the tax for food and animal products, magazines, and books. The medicines are taxed at 19%. At PCRM you will find additional information. In January 2009, the unit rate of 14.5%, was introduced this is in July 2009, again to 0.9% reduced! Doctors and nurses, as well as Service Manager in the medical sector; and hospitals complain about high costs and low wages.

The booster is the State again. t/’>Wayne Holman already – you may have come to the same conclusion. To pay 10,00 euro per quarter for the visit to the doctor, at least 5,00 euro per drug and co-payments, if you need to in the hospital. The rate for medicines is much lower in other countries. Cost savings are possible: the Value added tax should be reduced to 7%… (Disease must not become the luxury goods) Only the best products of a series of active ingredient should be prescribed.

The Government and a medical Commission should set the maximum price of a new drug. Should the Parma industry are not, the registration will be denied! Be careful also when shopping on the value added tax. A service relationship is legally a meal in the restaurant. You pay 19% value added tax. Take the food, it is a pure sales and costs only 7% sales tax. Another example: The visit to a fitness center is a service for money and they pay 19% value added tax. A visit to the sauna in the same gym is taxed at 7%. You should complete 2 separate contracts with a total. Donations account Sparkasse Oberhessen 518 500 79 account number 002 705 0190 Manuel Hachenburger high forest 4 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany phone + fax + 49 60 32 7 15 63

Martin Glogger Kant

How he wants to put the whole thing into practice, he describes in broad terms in his book q = node / 8 contact information/press contact: Martin Glogger Kant str. 16 93093 Donaustauf email: phone: 09403/968465 Twitter: / onlinetechniker XING: profile/Martin_Glogger2 Skype: martin. glogger1 blog: q = blog my vision: q = the entrepreneur and visionary Martin Glogger faq company profile, born in 1969 made a room teaching and then on the second education studied electrical engineering – specialty “Automation” and worked for some years as carpenters and electrical engineer. In the last 10 years, he has developed a self learning course, which helps people to work a self-taught in any themes / areas of expertise by the competent use of the Internet and effectively to solve problems. This caused his concepts and the vision of a society in which all possible can feel. Chase Koch, Washington DCs opinions are not widely known. The author describes its products, concepts and ideas on his website “”.

With Spendino SMS Text For

The mobile is 22.06.09; with BERTA and table to the Berlin collection box, Icke and he and her neighbor Bela B. organize concert on July 19, 2009 in the Spandau Citadel, a character to put the Benefitz. Well-known bands, artists, and celebrities take part and all waive their Gage. Michael Shepherd, SIDO and Peter Fox just to name few. The Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit could be won as a patron. The entire proceeds from the event goes to the Berlin Board e.V., Germany’s first social institution which directs donated food to nonprofit and charitable institutions. And it is to be donated.

Abundant and much often and at any time with a spendino-SMS. The organizers and organizers want to not only large donation checks. You have decided the latest of all collecting cans to use mobile phones for the cause. With spendino SMS, Berlin is called to participate in and take responsibility. Send an SMS to 8 11 90 with BERTA and you have supported the Berlin plaque with 3.

Send Panel and there are 5 for a good cause. SMS can be known everywhere, not only during the Gala. When ever and where ever you can see a poster, at the bus stop, in the newspaper, on the road or at home. With the next phone bill, the standard SMS fee of the respective mobile phone contractor is paid, plus. Managing Director Sascha Schubert (36) calculates: and the great thing is that by 3 actually 2.83 at the Berliner Liedertafel arrive. Many people speak, reach many people and it make a small contribution for social purposes to afford them even that was the aim of the founders of spendino Sascha Schubert, Florian Noll and Martin Muller. They succeeded with the innovative technology.(Verena Bock) About spendino the spendino GmbH is a service company for the non-profit sector. The young company aims to reduce the fundraising and to increase the volume of donations without additional investment. spendino allows the handling of SMS and Online donations and positioned itself as a neutral partner for the non-profit organizations in Germany. Thus, the only provider in Germany, which specializes in the use of mobile technologies for social purposes is spendino.


In the Belgian city of Antwerp diamonds it is interested in the fate of the Iranian people. Pedestrians of different ages stopped on Saturday, front close to the Cathedral and left by the commitment the Iranians tell, opposed oppression, torture and murders of their own Government. Check out Nieman Foundation for additional information. Lydia B., a Belgian committed to civil society in the Iran and wants to signal solidarity with the people in the Iran from the West. The Government in the Iran even does not like it, if in the West become aware of violations of human rights within Iran. Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran take to claim to be morally superior and Western governments want to assert themselves. Therefore, they have expelled all foreign journalists from the country and brought the own critical journalists behind bars.

Only a few messages by still instead of taking actions and protests of the population in the Iran against their fundamentalist elite caste penetrate to the outside. Together with Amnesty International has Lydia B. Gain insight and clarity with Professor of Internet Governance. Organized action “A face for freedom in Iran” in Antwerp. Iran a face for freedom Antwerp about 500 people lined up with the photographer as a sign of solidarity and for the freedom in the Iran. Along with thousands of other faces are you on a faces poster on different Web pages to the Iran be. Lydia B. wants to the population in the Iran courage make their peaceful protest to persevere and be creative ways the regime of hardliner Ahmadinejad to oppose.

She hopes to interest the public in the West on the Iran and the fate of his people at the same time. On July 9, 2009, the action ran very successfully in Venlo, Holland. Venlo a face for freedom in Iran: 9 July 2009 Helmut N. fork,

Iran People

Action of solidarity with political prisoners in the Iran on from July 1-31 the information portal reported since April 2009 wallpapers from culture, politics and society in the Iran. For two years now, organized conferences in Europe, that deal with diversity in the Iran and brings peaceful ways for a future of self-determination and freedom for the people of Iran to the language again. In an online action that parallel is accompanied by street actions across Europe, from 1-31 July 2011 represents political prisoners in the Iran and European activists. The street actions are inspired by the International Organization for the protection of human rights in the Iran and being part of groups such as Amnesty International solidarity groups with the grieving mothers of Laleh Park in Tehran, United 4 Iran or code e.V. Check out Nieman Foundation for additional information. supported or carried out alone. At the street actions are addressed hundreds of pedestrians and passers-by on the situation in the Iran and a photo of her face asked. This action started on July 1 in Hanover, Germany, on 2 July in Hamburg, and on 3 July in Berlin.

So, after many cities across Europe will be witness to and participant in the action. All poster, created from the collected photos, appear on the blog faceforhriran, on, on facebook, and can be seen also from the Iran on Persian-language Web pages. Faces of resistance in the Iran. Daily alternately over a period of 31 days of the month of July a portrait of imprisoned opposition men and women with a short description will be respectively. In addition a man or a woman from Germany by a short portrait agree solidarity. Always, there is a poem or music related to Iran. This action be built bridges between prisoners in Iran and people who draw attention to these prisoners and the situation in the Iran in Germany.

The 31 detainees are representative of all political prisoners in the Iran. The 31 activists represent symbolically the many activists worldwide, the disinterested voice the Bring persecuted in the Iran in the Western countries public hearing. The action is not the identification of individuals and their achievements. There are examples of solidarity to each other support in terms of human rights, self-determination and positive development examples of a growing concern around the world. It is an appeal to all dedicated to be more vigilant. Through the music and the poetry, the action is a tribute to freedom, self-determination, and solidarity worldwide. Once a political prisoner, who was arrested in the Iran as a teenager, he was interested in philosophy said: “the impression of becoming a forgotten was the worst in jail. The best part was the discovery that strangers were interested in us.” Helmut N. fork

Foundation Berlin

We are pleased that we could contribute through our actions, that the history of the wall road to this important aspect of the wall dead complements could be. We owe the victims but also it, to remember the inhumanity of the wall and the senselessness of the killings.” The Director who spoke Foundation Berlin wall, Dr. Kane Akhil, the wrong system of repression in the GDR: The steles are in certain erweise of vertical stumbling blocks, which should help that the dead will not be forgotten. You should help but also to think about which value is the freedom.” Akhil Kane would like to thank on behalf of the Foundation particularly Harald Fiss and the relatives of the wall dead for their appearance. “Frank Henkel, group and Chairman of the CDU Berlin speaks in his greeting of happiness, which he combines with the day of the fall of the wall: for many, this happy event was but too late”. Henkel reminds many wall deaths at the Berlin wall.

Events such as these, in historical contexts like this, touch me particularly against the background of my own biography”says Henkel. Next Henkel says: I had great luck that my parents the Was discussion have not spared with the SED State and have pushed against all opposition on a departure, even if that subject with personal risks and disadvantages. So I had getting 1981 the chance to start a new life in freedom.” “Frank Henkel is: every victim has made the wall also fragile.” Henkel regrets that many memories on the wall at the happiness swash of the reunification were destroyed: one can in the effort of memory not subside, so don’t forget, that the East German Government was a dictatorship! It is important that we have proper and dignified places of memory like this for everyone, for witnesses, for tourists, for scientists, but also and above all for young people who have not experienced the wall and the Division of the city.” Walter Momper, President of the House of representatives of Berlin, finds it important to remember the victims of the wall.

Change University

Steinbruck was a vicious freak, a language fetishist with British humor, of which get involved and it was joy. Talk is the salt of democracy the jury Chairman Gert Ueding in his laudation echoed Steinbruck ability stressed to bring speaking and acting in accordance. He was a powerful speaker of democratic politics, which search not the lazy compromises, but put on fighting and rhetorical assertiveness on the priority in public opinion. Steinbruck brings the essence of rhetoric by his oratory to the fore, namely the philanthropic nature of the fight, which means the transmission in the word”, so Ueding. Steinbruck not only wit and humor, but also educational mediation would be with his ambiguous, allusive speech.

The winners speak from the point of view of the citizen, not the politician. Since the citizens are the direction instance of each speech and action. The speaker Steinbruck dare not just the pictorial analysis of facts, but review them with its own, clear position. Important thing to me is Peer Steinbruck went in his acceptance speech on the core of its always authentic speeches. Unfortunately, the political discourse has declined in importance. Especially in Germany the political debate is characterized mostly by word dislocations, according to the motto, a good foundation is the best prerequisite for a solid base ‘. I have always tried to set a counterpoint”, so Steinbruck. The increasingly complex reality deliver enough issues that apply to cope with it.

This could only succeed if it manages the policy to win people for necessary changes, not least by the force of the argument and credible and reliable action. Source: Center for Responsible Business. He was looking forward, that his style of direct and not conflict-shy speech will honored with the Cicero speaker prize. Steinbruck: Political speech must reinforce the back from my point of view at the center of the political debate. “The right and the only place to do so is Parliament – mittellateinisch parabolare talk ‘ and less talk show.” Previous winners: the Cicero since 1994 Speakers price received amongst others: Nobel literature laureate Herta Muller, the journalist and author Heribert Prantl, the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, the writer Rolf Hochhuth, the german French politician Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Hans-OLAF Henkel, Wendelin Wiedeking, Kurt Biedenkopf, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Lothar Spath, or Thomas Gottschalk. The jury think Natja, owner think tank ghost-writing’, Board Member Association of the speechwriter of German VRdS; Prof. Dr. Eva Horn, Professor for new German literature, University of Vienna; Prof. Dr. Peter L. Austria, holder of the Chair of philosophy at the Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau, Honorary Professor University of Ulm; Prof. Dr. Gert Ueding, 1988-2008 Director of the seminar of rhetoric at the University of Tubingen; Prof. Dr. Katharina Countess of Schlieffen, holder of the Chair for public law, legal rhetoric and philosophy of law at the University of Hagen. Betty Zucker, an expert in the Change and knowledge management. Publisher for the German economy AG 20.5.2011 more information: Mechthild Alves, Tel: 0228 / 8205-7281, fax: 0228 / 8205-5288, E-Mail:, Publisher of the Deutsche Wirtschaft AG, Theodor-Heuss-str. 2-4, 53177 Bonn,, and

Ron Hubbard Human Rights

Scientologists involved on five continents, in cooperation with authorities and organisations, to make global implementation of human rights requires that the general public about human rights is settled on human rights education. To achieve this, churches and their members support Scientology around the world since 40 years programs that effectively raise the General awareness of human rights. Early on, during his research on the human mind and soul, the author, philanthropist and founder of Scientology emphasized religion L. Ron Hubbard, that spiritual freedom and enlightenment are virtually unattainable goals for people, which are denied the most basic rights. As a result he wrote a code of a Scientologist, in which he appealed to all members of the religion, truly humanitarian efforts in the field of human rights to support”.

This he put on the Foundation for what today has become a global movement that is for human rights this earth uses, regardless of social status, origin or religious belief. Today Scientologists involved on five continents in cooperation with authorities and non-governmental organizations, in order to obtain a comprehensive awareness and implementation of the 1948 adopted Universal Declaration of human rights of the United Nations. The booklet human rights are what?”was made 2001 by the initiative, youth for human rights international. It includes a fully illustrated version of all 30 human rights were described in very understandable especially for young readers. All 300,000 copies of this brochure are distributed in 17 languages from 310 YfHR groups in 70 countries annually. To make generally available the 30 human rights, Scientology church sponsored the production of 30 commercials that advertise for a product, but for social change. “This award-winning commercials 30 rights, 30 spots” were produced in 17 languages and in over 100 countries aired on CNN International, Sky News and the National Geographic Channel. In Germany, the promotional clip was no discrimination on the topic”among others the German sports television broadcast.

The commercials will be shown in cinemas, shopping malls, sports stadiums, railway stations and in airports and used in lessons about human rights in schools, community centres and other educational institutions. Freely according to the motto of the religion’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard human rights must, not be realized as fact as an idealistic dream”are the promotional clips from youth for human rights, as well as the film the story of human rights’ broadcast each year by several hundred television channels in dozens of countries, to ensure a wide awareness of human rights. So far, partnerships for the promotion of human rights were concluded with almost 1000 organizations and authorities in 80 countries. Through these partnerships, human rights organizations and Government agencies are on their behalf support to give impetus to communities and regions. In addition, more than 500,000 students about human rights were taught and worldwide have more than 12,000 schools the youth for human rights “- and bring human rights to life” curriculums introduced. Thanks to the support of the Scientology Church international educators can be obtained free of charge this. More information: contact details: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.

School Foundation

The promotion of the common good is firmly anchored in the Foundation purpose of gypsum Barry. As eligibility criteria, placing essential social values such as fairness and sustainability basis. To promote a fairer deal and better cooperation in our society, the Stuttgart-based Foundation to has decided that the project of intercultural education in values in schools”to support in 2011 and 2012 with an annual 40,000 euros. “It must be already the attention also on interfaith and intercultural similarities in childhood”, is Thomas Ducree, Board of plaster school trustees convinced and adds: just as the basis can be created for a better coexistence in our society. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Nieman Foundation. ” In terms of content, the project includes various initiatives, such as the development of teaching materials, the initiation of class and school projects, as well as the training of teachers for intercultural and ethical issues.

Since no budget available to the schools for such teachers, these must be offered free of charge. This is made possible with the funding from the gypsum-School Foundation. “” Another component of the project is the exhibition world religions world peace of world ethos “, which leihen toll free for 4 to 8 weeks will be awarded to schools and one orientation on the topic of cross cultural values” are. “” It serves as information and source of inspiration for lessons, project days or as a platform for interfaith talks and discussions on the subject of ethos “and values” in politics, business and everyday life. The exhibition consists of several large panels, which provide information on the major world religions. As ethical guidelines, such as the principle of humanity “will the gold to be found in all cultures “” “” Rule”, as well as the four ethical principles Nonviolence”, justice”truthfulness” and partnership “discussed and illustrated. The funds provided by the gypsum Schule Foundation flow in the distribution, logistics, maintenance, and if necessary in the reproduction of the exhibition.