Under construction is unleashed an epidemic of fever and pallor, but appears a second phase of the same disease: warts. This baffled the doctors, because it thought it was another disease – unlike the well-known La Oroya fever – insofar as the dead totaling tens, hundreds, thousands (today is 4 estimated they were between 8 to 10 thousand the dead by the epidemic) and to understand the magnitude of the epidemic must remember that Cerro de Pasco had 6,000 inhabitants and Lima 100 thousand inhabitants. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Boy Scouts of America. In the world (read Europe), while, in the 19th century medicine was living a revolution. For example, Virchow had shattered the theory of the 4 humors of Galen; Pasteur spoke of microbes that explained the infectious diseases in this environment, Europe was witness to numerous inoculations for the sake of science and humanity. So we have that Gilbert inoculated with blood of syphilitic secondary and tertiary to test its infectivity in these stages; Gare was inoculated with blood from sick of osteomielitos; Koch (the discoverer of the bacillus of tuberculosis) inoculated his Strauss Assistant with blood from sick with cholera, Bochefontaine swallowed pills of dried feces of sick with cholera; many of these researchers died at this stage of science. The epic of Carrion Daniel Alcides Carrion Garcia, son of Ecuadorian lawyer and Dr. Baltazar Carrion, medical, and Dona Dolores Garcia Navarro, huancaina Lady, was born in Cerro de Pasco and had two brothers: Theodore and Mario. Marcos was studying the 5S year of medicine at the University of San at the outbreak of the epidemic which mercilessly killing so many people and decimating peoples as known by him. After meditations and conversations he decides to prove that the wart was the second phase of the same disease (Oroya fever) and in a heroic, scientific and humanitarian gesture decides to be inoculated with the disease-infected blood.