Christians and Jews sought as to increase their influence and control the economy in the country. This affected the sharp class confrontation between the Christian-Jewish aristocracy, and the Muslim masses. The split in the army became a part of domestic conflict, which has acquired the class, ethnic and religious character. Al-Hakim, get real control of the country after the removal of Bardzhavana (in 1000 suspected al-Hakim, the regent of the organization coup Bardzhavan was arrested and executed) was to look for the forms and methods of overcoming the crisis. The main threat to the economy of al-Hakim, seen in the power of Christian-Jewish oligarchy. This prompted him to establish a state control over the economy of the country.
He introduced fixed prices for many commodities, particularly meat and bread, abolished taxes on some commodities (particularly on silk and soap). Al-Hakim has tightened state control over production and distribution of wine and beer, and subsequently imposed a total ban on them. This ban was due not so much from religious motives, as with the political: wine making and selling alcohol involved Christian-Jewish to know. Alcohol prohibition to undermine this type of income. The ban applies to and including the use of wine in the rites of Christian and Jewish festivals. Were also prohibited public and Jewish hristianskietseremonii were put decals for these populations, which they wore on their clothing. In 1008 the Caliph has balanced the rights of Sunnis and Shiites, has created a device to ensure safety. The streets began to be the fight against hooliganism, theft and crime.