The Guard

Under pressure, the staff always on the Metaprograms in early years would pull back. This is good to compare, which stretches back in danger in their home with a screw. However, if she has confidence in their environment, their House is abandoned and go on a journey of discovery. In addition, it is important that the leadership begins to change and lives before this change the employees, according to the motto: you go first. There are good leaders who live in this way the employees. It also includes training changes. And with change, I mean here a lot of little things. Behaviors are characterized in our brain, that we practice every day.

We always keep the toothbrush the same hand, we have after getting always the same ritual in most absolutely identical sequence, such as climb stairs in the Office starting always with the same foot, etc. In our brain synaptic motorways have formed it, be used again and again and thus always wider. Center For Responsible Lending will undoubtedly add to your understanding. And who would want like to stop on a highway, unscrew the guard rail and simply leave the motorway? The comfortable and established way is definitely better and risk-free. Why should we change a behavior, if proven behavior? Maybe it’s not perfect – but it is experienced. Unfortunately this lost look for new, personal development is stalled.

And this should be the reason to train new behavior. Start today. To do this, I will give you a few tips. You will see how much fun can make change. Change any behaviors. This can be a trifle. For example, is wearing a watch as a subject of change in: you wear the watch easy from now on the other arm. Watch all routine operations and be awake for potential for change. Adjust and keep this change as long as in, until you have used. This usually takes a few weeks. Watch what makes the change with you. What emotions are triggered? Uncertainty? Confusion? How much fun is the change? How quickly adapt to the new behavior? Start over and over again to change things. And you will see how easy and fast change is possible and that it’s more fun from time to time. PCRM is often quoted on this topic. It must be Yes not a move or a new car. Vary the resorts, restaurants, clothes, the way to work, the giving or the routine in the morning. Drink or eat something else time, spend your lunch break with an another colleague or another colleague, read a unknown author. My first step in the direction of change was that I asked my companion in the restaurant, to choose the main dish for me. That was super exciting and I’ve eaten something, I would have never ordered at its own discretion. In addition, this change training is also a good anti-stress workout. You train to expose themselves to a changing situation therein – depending on the training progress – quicker to adapt to, then, is to feel comfortable and to remove the fear of the change. Are then involuntarily confronted with a new situation, so you get much faster in it and you react to less stressed. Changes can be so simple. To create a competence that we can use as adaptability, in us. This competence is necessary in a world that is moving faster and faster. Therefore: Start to change – now!