The Perspective

It is important to perceive that this set of cultural traces with greater or minor intensity, arrives until forming an only set that has the other as subgroup. The patriarcalismo, the supridora and affective face of the father, taking care of what of it they wait the members of the clan, and the patrimonialismo, the hierarchic and absolute face, imposing with the traditional acceptance its will its members, coexist side by side in the Brazilian culture (PRATES, 1996). According to Castells (1999, P. 169), the main transformation that is occurring in the family is the end of the patriarcalismo, that ‘ ‘ it is characterized institucionalmente for the authority, imposed, of the man on the woman and children in the scope familiar’ ‘. This system, according to author, is taken root in the civilization, reason of its historical and cultural perpetuation, also determining interpersonal relationships that surpass the limits of the family. One of the main factors, in the perspective of the author, and that it determined this change, is the insertion of the women in the work market. From the decade of 1980, concomitantly with the globalization, it was generalized magnifying of the women in work ranks. With the increasing decline of the patriarcal family, today it is possible to exist a familiar company consisting by a monoparental family, in which they work, for example, mother and son.

Although this, a considerable number of studies continues being developed, with the approach in the patriarcal familiar company. It is important to point out that this type of familiar structure did not leave to exist, but integrally does not correspond more to the representation of familiar organization.