Perhaps, the belief in the healing power of gemstones is just superstition. And if not? There are gems only assets or at best beautiful stone jewelry for many people. Gems have very different values. If you are not convinced, visit Boy Scouts. For millions of years, the stones, in secret, are deep down in the Earth. So, they had a long time to absorb energy. Already in the stone age people of the power of the stones did. They wore the stones as talismans.
They protect from diseases or evil influences. In addition, the gems reinforced various properties of the wearer. The amulets were strong or brave, or should just plain good luck. Gems in the medicine and astrology have been used for ages. Hildegard of Bingen is probably the most famous man who dealt extensively with precious stones and their effect on people already in the middle ages. So, increases the intuition of the Amethyst and helps with headaches. A rock crystal inner blockages. The Garnet strengthens the innards and the life energy.
He is also available for a spiritual harmony in relationships. The lapis lazuli relieves tensions, fears and shyness, and is helpful in bronchial problems. The Rose Quartz teaches you to love yourself. You want to strengthen teeth and bones, or needs help in times of crisis, you should pick up a black Onyx. The green jade stone helps with nightmares and strengthens the heart. These are just a few, a few examples. Of course, all the other beautiful gems have their unique importance. Many people hold the power of the gems for humbug, others swear by its healing power. Maybe it is just a placebo effect, scientifically proven nothing can be unfortunately. But if someone is open for new, and with him an improvement or even cure arrives, why then not. The fact is, that many trace elements and minerals, from which there are gems in the human body are found. Every one must only look what stone to him fits and works with him. Order only in the wholesale silver chains and wait for. SID Kroker