The Woman

Its virtue is apparent and conventional. These are some of given attributes the woman, that strengthen the base of the exclusion of the feminine one in the society. To revert this paper demanded and demand effort, fight of the feminists in the search for the construction of fairness concepts enters the two sexos to take off the woman of the exclusion, and contemporarily for the construction of a new identity. This initiative is part of a battle in the field of the ideas that advances of heterogeneous form in the social, economic conjunctures, cultural politics in diverse parts of the planet, and in our field of analysis, literary. The challenge to breach the project where the masculine and the feminine one if construct in opposition one to the other, was the crucial point for the movement feminist. The proposal initial was to reconstruct the project constructed from the patriarcal logic that made it difficult the perception of other forms.

Important to detach that the construction has as premise the logic of the difference as positive element, pautado in the identity and without the inaquality, being considered the difference of the terms, but showing that one is present in another one, and, therefore, both can be equivalents. The differences between men and women, to if affirming, breach the unit, making possible the existence of a masculine identity and one another feminine identity. Elements as classroom, etnia, religion, age etc. cross the pretense unit of each element, transforming into multiple the masculine or feminine citizen thought about the singular. From now the question of the construction of feminine from the influence of literary compositions (BONNICI 2009, P. 218) &#039 will be argued; ' the feminine term appears as opposition to the masculine and make reference to reference the social conventions, that is, to a set of definite characteristics attributed to the woman culturally, therefore in constant process of mudana.' ' Since more tenra age has an extreme concern of the institutions in demarcating the spaces of the masculine and the feminine one for the teeny ones.