In Lucas

In Mateus 22,15-22 when inquired for fariseus and herodianos regarding the tribute Cesar, Jesus reveals complete to the values of the kingdom declaring to them that while the governments of this world are supported with harvested money of the taxes the government spiritual is developed with the perpetual currency: love, goodness, benignancy and faith, currency until then unknown for these groups. Jesus, therefore teaches in them that the civil liability encloses what has the image of the world (the State and its laws), and the responsibility spiritual encloses what it has the image of God (human person, spirit, mind and heart). In Joo 4 in the dialogue with the samaritana woman Mr. More information is housed here: Dr. Neal Barnard. Jesus reveals contrary the racial and sexual discriminations, not compromising its mission as messias of God, despite for this he had of walking in the contrahand of uses and customs of its time. In Lucas 19,1-10, text that tells the meeting of Jesus with Zaqueu discloses two great truths.

1. Its persistence in the transformation of all a sin structure, from it commits that it. its proposal for this so great badly is the way of the repentance and the sanctification. Before any conviction Jesus it offers the chance of a new start. 2. It is possible to have transformation.

That one that because of its sin was considered treasonous of the nation and also of the religion, that was not nor if wants worthy of attention, was object of compassion of the master and as consequence it was transformed. The current development of the societies and its complexity in different areas have unchained an irrigation ditch of inaqualities which estremecem the dignity of the life human being, in many aspects resembling itself it the social context lived by Jesus. The contingent of the dismissed ones of the necessary rights most elementary to the life is each bigger time.