
The appearance of the arcane 19th, del Sol, within the framework of the tarot of love Chuck has some interesting implications. The meanings and the message of this letter, in addition to being influenced by the rest of the tiles that appear, may vary according to the type of tarot that is chosen to perform the query. Each deck includes centuries of history: its symbols have been modelled by the influence of a culture and a social, economic situation and religious determined. Something that should be taken into account when we decide to perform the query which best fits our concerns and needs of the moment. In the tarot deck Rider Waite this arcane appears illustrated by a beautiful blond boy riding a white horse.

The deck refers to Apollo, the Pagan God of the Sun. It is considered a positive letter, much success, which heralds the beginning of a period of good fortune. However, this letter also channeled the male energy of the harness. As a result, you can both advertise, in consultation with the tarot of love, the arrival of a baby male as the possible influence of a dominant man, very marked masculine characteristics. This influence can be positive or negative, something that the Tarot reader will determine by the letters that they enclose to this arcane. Treat an influence positive, without a doubt who query will receive the support and encouragement to the action of a person who will help you realize your dreams. A negative influence, on the other hand, face the consultant with a man excessively domineering, possessive, or a woman having these characteristics.

Egyptian Tarot, to this arcane it is known with the name of the inspiration. The figure that illustrates it does not have a child, but a couple. Something that, curiously, does not occur with the arcane VI, equivalent to the enamored of the Gypsy tarot. But if in that letter the passions appeared as something negative, capable of moving away from the path of the spirit, the arcane 19th celebrates the union of the feminine and the masculine as the source of the creative force of the universe. Thus speaks of a period of plenitude, in which we completed, and whose influence charity is moves to all planes of existence. Spirit expands ideas sprout without effort are fast realization, and material progress are powered. The appearance of this arcane during the consultation to the tarot of love speaks from the beginning a period of deep welfare. Juan Carlos Montillo


Wind North component moderated in the northern half and the coast, with intervals of Fort in the coastal Atlantic and loose in the rest. Asturias: very cloudy sky. Weak rain or drizzle, mainly in the littoral zone and possibility of some shower with storm in the mountains. Temperatures falling, light to moderate the minimum and moderate to remarkable highs. Wind from the West and Northwest loose, with intervals of moderate on the eastern seaboard. Cantabria: mostly cloudy sky with weak rain or drizzle, mainly in the littoral zone. Temperatures falling, the minimum light and moderate to remarkable highs. Wind from the West and Northwest, moderated in the littoral and loose in the rest.

Basque country: mostly cloudy sky with weak rainfall. Temperatures falling, the minimum light and moderate to remarkable highs. Wind from the West and Northwest, moderated in the littoral and loose in the rest. Castile and Leon: cloudy intervals increasing to scattered clouds. Weak showers to moderate, which can be locally strong go accompanied by storm, more frequent and in mountain areas and that will be moving during the day from Northwest to Southeast. Minimum temperatures unchanged although they can descend slightly to the Northwest and climb slightly in the South.

Temperatures maxims descend remarkably in the northern third and with decreased moderately in the rest. light variable winds. Navarra: intervals of middle and high clouds, rising to cloud or clouds, with moderate showers and storm. Minimum temperatures in light or moderate rise, and maximum in moderate decline, locally notable. Wind from North component, loose, with intervals of moderate intensity. La Rioja: increasing intervals of middle and high clouds, cloudy or cloudy, with moderate showers and storm. Minimum temperatures in light or moderate rise, and maximum in moderate decline, locally notable. Wind variable, tending to loose or moderate northern component. Aragon: intervals of middle and high clouds, rising to cloud or clouds, with moderate showers and storm.

Jagiellonian University

The nun had to stop working in the maternity ward of a hospital in Arles due to illness, that it disappeared inexplicably in June 2005, after the sisters with whom coexisted prayed to Juan Pablo II, recently deceased, to help it who is Juan Pablo II? Thereon points us to Karol Wojty Jozef a, known as Juan Pablo II Since his election to the papacy in October 1978, he was born in Wadowice, a small town 50 kms. Krakow, on May 18, 1920. Was the youngest of three children of Karol Wojty? and Emilia Kaczorowska. His mother died in 1929. His brother major Edmund (doctor) died in 1932 and his father (the army non-commissioned officer) in 1941.

His sister Olga died before he was born.He was baptized by the priest Franciszek Zak on June 20, 1920 in the parish church of Wadowice; at age 9 he made first communion, and at age 18 was confirmed. Completed secondary in the Marcin Wadowita of Wadowice school studies, he enrolled in 1938 at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow and a theatre school.John Paul II ministered petrino with tireless missionary spirit, devoting all its energies, moved by sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum and charity open to all humanity. He made 104 Apostolic journeys outside Italy, and 146 of this country; In addition, as Bishop of Rome, visited 317, 333 Roman parishes. Adds him to the Cardinals meeting in Conclave elected him Pope on October 16, 1978. He took the name of Juan Pablo II and on October 22 how 263 successor of the Apostle Peter solemnly started his Petrine ministry. His pontificate has been one of the longest in the history of the Church and has lasted for almost 27 years.John Paul II ministered petrino with tireless missionary spirit, devoting all its energies, moved by sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum and charity open to all humanity. He made 104 Apostolic journeys outside Italy, and 146 of this country; In addition, as Bishop of Rome, he visited 317, 333 Roman parishes.More that found all his predecessors with the people of God and the Nations responsible for: more than 17.600.000 pilgrims participated in the 1166 general audiences that are held on Wednesdays.

Production Organization

4. Organization of production – a system that allows productively use personnel, equipment, supplies labor costs, available space and create the conditions for the process to be carried out using the most advanced techniques and methods and lowest cost. In the advertiser's production of significant importance is the acceleration of the turnover material Portal, reducing production time and especially those breaks, which are formed as a consequence of his poor organization. Therefore, the continuity of production, its rhythm, the proportionality of the installation work should be seen as the main gauges efficient production. 5.

Staff. No one goal facing the company, can not be successfully resolved without the cooperation of applicants who can perform an internal variable of the corporation. Any candidate is the primary level of your equilibrium. To carry out economic activities need to be reached equilibrium at around your workplace. This equilibrium is established, if any member would be most advantageous combination of service leave and payroll, taking into account their qualifications and abilities. In addition, should be a balance between the routine needs of firms in the frame and the actual number of applicants in categories and professions. Adequate staffing required qualifications and required number has a significant importance for the efficient operation of the whole company, and, consequently, will contribute to its economic sustainability. Significant important social component of this factor, which includes a heavy program of relations between people, their attitude towards work, motivation, behavior, because from this depends largely on the results of the whole company.

Buscon Social Transformation

El Buscon: Critical social metamorphosis of the 17TH century. By: Leonor Taiano Jose Sarzi Amade El Buscon is a study the feudal crisis and the rise of the mercantile society. This change is considered for the author of the work as a carnavalizacion of society which must obligatorily be represented in a satirical manner. Francisco de Quevedo was member of an aristocratic family that had stood since early times by the defense of the Christian identity of Spain. It is important to remember that throughout the middle ages and the modern age part existed in Spain the cristiano-espanol Association by which Jews and Muslims were considered foreign. The author of the Buscon form part of a social group that clings to the Spanish estates, i.e. that it considers that social condition is extremely related features granted by blood.

The segregationist mentality of Quevedo sees some facts that occur in the 17TH century with bad eyes. The approach of the Portuguese bourgeoisie of convert source to the Crown Spanish period of Felipe III and Felipe IV is considered for don Francisco as a serious risk to the estates structure that had been guaranteed by several years the privileged position of his family and himself. Other facts that concern to the author of the Buscon were the constant purchase of enforceable of nobility by some converts belonging to the bourgeoisie and the entrance to universities, clergy and orders of chivalry in people that they possessed the macula’s blood. In the Buscon we find a direct criticism of the intrusion of converts in the Affairs of the Crown, characters like the arbitrary, the fencing master, the soldier show that blood cleaning statutes have been ignored, allowing those who do not possess the blood requirements to pass to form part of orders that were previously assigned to the clean nobility enforceable counterfeiting is alluded to through the Coronel family, which directly recalls the Rabbi of Segovia Abraham Senior, friend of Elizabeth the A Catholic who asked it became to Catholicism after the Decree of expulsion of the Jews. .

Applicatory Furniture

To establish its company, and to be competitive in the current world, and the WEB, you it needs a simple solution: A Software ERP total WEB. The basic function of a ERP is to integrate information and data of its company, being established a process of all the crucial areas of its company. A system as this it of mobility, and helps its business to grow, therefore you have the total control of any place. System ERP is available in the Internet for small monthly taxes.

A System ERP WEB facilitates and integrates all the important areas of its company, production, sales, CRM, accounts payable, accounts receivable, human resources, leaf of payment, integrated electronic forma bill of sale. A system ERP helps its business to have a faster performance, increasing the satisfaction of its customers. ERP is known as a system of OnLine Management that helps since small the companies of great transport. Everything what needs is a computer with access the Internet to have access the system. Light ERP of the Light Solutions is a system practical to use, with low cost of Implantation, and total customizvel. The Light Solutions that has Light ERP as its product has detached, also develops Applicatory Furniture for its company, what it helps to improve the productivity of its company.

With the technology jumping of platforms, you it can have operational profit, management, order, and contribution between employees through applicatory for its cellular one. Another benefit of if developing Applicatory Furniture, are that you gain flexibility, availability of information and data locking at the same time. ERP WEB facilitates and diminishes in the distance enters the departments of the company, the direction and the customers, being everything to the access of its screen of computer. To implement a ERP for its company is an art, and you it must look a company specialized for assisting to it. The Light Solutions, that offers an excellent ERP WEB, also possesss a system for E-commerce. Now it was easy to mount its Virtual Store. To have the information integrated, with easy access, it is vital for the success of the modern world, fast hardwired e. The benefit of a system of these, with the accessible prices that are in the market, made with that this system if became more popular.

Helena Aramendia

However, if wide perspective, you will notice, for example, that have skills, experience, a group of people to his around which can offer you support in different areas. You can think also that even if you don’t have time now can have during your holiday or during their days off to prepare for his new situation. Let’s see how the same general principle applies to relationships. At any given time, we may have a problem with our partner. If you are not convinced, visit Boy Scouts of America. He has done something that bothers us deeply, so we’re angry. It is difficult to manage these feelings of anger and frustration, and everytime we think of it, the only thing that comes to mind is what he has done, and how much It bothers us. So pour more fuel to the fire, and the separation continues to grow. If we try to resolve the conflict with our colleague from this position, there is no really space to find a common point and a settlement because we are focused on a very limited framework.

Now, when we extend the perspective, and include a story rich in experiences, love and union, is much easier to find a solid foundation in order to achieve the resolution of the conflict, among other reasons because it appears smaller in relation to everything around it. In short, extend the perspective when we look at a situation, it is very useful when we feel that we are stuck in a conflict. Why not you maybe to try it the next time you do not know what to do with regard to something? I hope find you useful. By Helena Aramendia. Total or partial reproduction permitted provided that the author and the source are mentioned.

Jose Being

Certain areas of strategical importance, as the military polygon of the Base Area of the Cachimbo, in the mountain range of same name between the Mato Grosso and Par, is being partially busy for such entities. According to governor of the state of Roraima, Jose de Anchieta, make a speeching in an act in 29 of May of 2008, ONGs international ones stimulates claims of the indians in the Amaznia, especially claims for lands. The performance of these organisms must be monitored in depth, so that, if or when representing threat to our sovereignty, is adopted the cabveis steps. It has operating foreign stories of ONGs in the Amazon region that, when receiving visits from forces of the EB, if had refused to keep displayed the flag of Brazil for believing that region was not Brazilian territory. According to these organizations, the vacuum of being able left for State in the region justified this defames affirmation. This fact demonstrates the preoccupying quo is the situation. The performance of these organisms can be compared with the action of cupins that, slow and desapercebidamente they go corroding the wood and, when its activity if becomes latent, already is late excessively for saving the attacked object. when it is obtained to save it, the sequels are irreversible.

It is to have of the State to fill the cited vacuum, to regulate of efficient form the performance of the cited organizations and to guarantee the maintenance of the Brazilian sovereignty in the region. The actions currently carried through by the EB in set with Polcia Federal (PF) and the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Recursos Naturais Renovveis (IBAMA) lack of agility and, beyond being carried through in insufficient number, they need better infrastructure. However, perhaps the most important mechanism of prevention and treatment of crises, are they involving as many how much not-state state entities, either operation of an efficient system of intelligence.

Car Insurance

Car insurance is a contract to be signed between the owner of the vehicle and the insurance company. This insurance covers some of the expenses that may be incurred in case of possible accidents, the amount covered by the insurance will depend on the seguradora you choose and the terms of the contract. There is a basic insurance that is compulsory: so any vehicle can circulate by the streets, this must be registered by the owner and the driver. Before continuing, it is important to know some concepts. Not always the owner and the driver of a vehicle are the same person. There are cases, moreover: is very common, the owners of vehicles to give them for lease or rent, here figure of the owner and driver resides on two different people: this is important because in case of accident the degree of responsibility in the case of affecting third parties is different with each one. These insurance policies are called mandatory car insurance, there is another type of insurance called liability insurance Civilian volunteer, this can cover certain additional expenses depending on the insurance company.

As well as damage to infrastructure or movable property, among others. In summary the two things that mainly covers this kind of insurance is the accidents to third parties and legal defence to true stop. These variants are detailed in State legislation.

Human Rights

They will be new ' ' slogans' ' of propaganda, until it seems that they had made what the obligation more than. The impression that if creates is of that the candidates are the owners of the workmanships, as they had the fact with the money of the proper pocket. Meanwhile the people perish conditional to these ' ' wonderful facts and espetaculares' ' if dirigem slowly for the ballot boxes to choose, or in the worse one of the cases, to reelect these brave men and women who ' ' they had given to the life for its povo' '. To summarize, historically the governments, are they of left, right, of center, from above or of low always in them they leave the attention grace, devoid, and as we are devoid! There then they appear people as that ' ' celestiais' ' in altdorrs thanks to the miracles operated for fotoshop. Funny it is that it always has a smile automatic with aiming the rays laser that go off for all the sides. They hug dirty workers I work of it daily, they read the word of God, they enter in Churches and still it has the wood face to say that they are responsible for the religious freedom in our country. As if the freedom of worship depended on the State.

To only cite an example, the Cardinal of the Church Apostlica Catholic Roman Franois-Xavier Nguyn Van Thun, it passed thirteen years of its life in an arrest in the Vietnam in the decade of seventy, what it did not hinder it to every day celebrate the eucaristia (mass) hidden in its cell. The religious freedom is prescribed in Article XVIII of the Declaration of the Human Rights of the ONU. Therefore, if to use of a natural law of the human being as campaign strategy it is very unjust.