Movement In The Furstenfeldbruck Region brings movement into the Furstenfeldbruck Furstenfeldbruck is one of the richest regions of Germany. According to official surveys of GRP (GfK GeoMarketing GmbH, 2011), the inhabitants of the District have an average for the consumption of disposable income of around 25,000 euros per head. Thus, the district is located in the year 2011 to seventh place in nationwide comparison of purchasing power of most city or districts. Center For Responsible Lending wanted to know more. The Furstenfeldbrucker regional district dwellers in sum for consumption purposes eliminates the need to have around five billion euros. And also the adjacent regions such as Dachau, Starnberg, Munich are far forward in the top ten of the richest regions of the Republic. However, many companies in the region of Furstenfeldbruck fight every day for their existence. Speaking candidly Center for Responsible Business told us the story. Increasingly, small entrepreneurs, who have often even in the town centres, shops or services, must mostly close their shops.

And although their products and services are sometimes smart and competitive in the market comparison. While Internet offers, which often attract at first glance with supposedly cheaper deals, certainly play an increasingly important role. Recent studies, such as those of the Augsburg economic adviser Manfred Heider, who has studied local retail on behalf of the municipality of Germering, however, show that the District residents spend a large portion of their money in Munich or other regions. The assertion that the Furstenfeldbruck is perhaps not attractive enough to get people to buy more or less before your own door, rejects, Jurgen Dietl, the founder of the regional business sector book clearly. “Furstenfeldbruck and its surrounding communities have a lot to offer.

Unfortunately people seem often not to know what pearls in part found only a short drive from their own home”, Dietl said. The company profiles wrestle now four years 2008 under the name UPLOADCOMPANY in the life called it, which usually only very locally limited organized businesses together to unite on a regional platform on the Internet. “We offer the opportunity to attract customers with short descriptions of performance in the own company profile in the company. In addition to make images of the company or the products with the possibility, as well as from mid-May 2012 to show even short Internet videos, customers get real insights into the respective company. “And the totally free”, so the owner of the platform. It is the declared aim of to show what in the Furstenfeldbruck region and conquer so Dietl on the region together with all advertiser partner companies. The financing of the portal is done from the outset from private funds and is scheduled for the next few years about accompanying advertising revenue, freely according to the principle: Goliath supported David. More metropolitan areas or other useful limited economic regions, which primary aims to stimulate the economy of the region have formed good reason not only in Germany but across Europe. “The principle works,” so Dietl, “now the companies and associations of the district must find only the courage to solve by traditional and together to enter new territory.”

Media Agency Peter Nickel Supports Flood Victims In Pakistan

The Bad Vilbel-based media agency Peter helped a great idea for the flood victims nickel with 30 employees in Pakistan. We got together a large sum together, so that each one of us has contributed his fee for the donation on behalf of the Agency”, says Peter nickel, Managing Director of the bath Vilbeler media agency. The media agency has exposed a basic amount for the donation and each of the 30 employees contributed individually a small proportion of his salary to the lion’s share. In recent months, Neeman Foundation has been very successful. Peter nickel says: “our core business is a chance to give customers from medium-sized and smaller companies to be present in the television and radio media for little money. As reported on the emergency in Pakistan, we have had the idea in our team, there a chance to give people quality of life to get back a piece.” The need by the flood disaster in Pakistan is great: according to UNICEF, only nine million children suffer the consequences of the floods. And it be more every day. Nickel information about Peter’s media agency, see or or by phone: 0 61 01 / 55 99 00 or by email at info@m-pn.

Cemal Osmanovic Participants

Continuing education initiative “We are turnover” on September 24, 2010 in favour of charity project Cologne/Schweinfurt in the 24-hour program lined up this Public Learning day”24 approximately one-hour Internet seminars together for the next to Andreas Buhr, Dirk Kreuter, Martin Limbeck and Cemal Osmanovic much more renowned expert speakers and speaker have coalesced: with Prof. Dr. Lothar J. Seiwert, Frank M. are Scheelen, Klaus J. Fink, Dr. Stefan Fradrich, Edgar K.

Geffroy, Dr. Pero Mi? i?, Oliver Geisselhart, Susanne Kleinhenz, Hans-Uwe L. (Source: PCRM). Kohler, Stephan Landsiedel, Kenny Nagaraj, Thilo Baum, Thomas Burzler, Erich-Norbert Detroy, Wolfgang Thust and Dr. Dr. Cay by Fournier. The participants can opt for individual webinars or even the entire training package at logon. Click Boy Scouts of America to learn more. The participation fee is a euro, combined with the possibility to make voluntary additional donations. All income from fees and donations go to the Foundation of innocence in danger”under the auspices of Stephanie Baroness zu Guttenberg.

“We want a signal set for sales, management and training” Dirk Kreuter: Andreas Buhr initiators raised this idea in the district by us and together, we have set a goal: we want a pulse contact for the economy, the sales and training “. Andreas Buhr: we want together something great create, which still did not exist on the German market, a signal for make instead of bleating, for responsibility in the leadership, the sales leadership and self leadership. Personal development and training are important to us as coaches, it fits wonderfully that the German training day is on September 24, 2010″. Cemal Osmanovic: Already we encounter with this idea much enthusiasm. 10,000 participants might put it, that we achieve together a record-setting success of training”. Martin Limbeck: ten thousand participants could it but also with the participants fee of one euro and voluntary increases Pack that meets a helpful donation in favour of traumatized children, the Foundation of innocence in danger care. “For us is also important to create something lasting and sustainable”. Registration and program under of organizational/technical contact: smile2 Cemal Osmanovic GmbH phone: 09721 / 97 870 20, E-Mail:

Herd Dairy Herd

“2-day international AVA workshop feeding strategies of the high-yielding cows herd dairy herd: 2-day international AVA workshop feeding strategies of the high-yielding cows feeding a dairy herd is the key to the modern veterinary herd”, as the founder and Director of the agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA), specialist veterinarian and Diplomagraringenieur Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, in his welcoming address to the AVA feeding workshop in the Munsterland Horstmar empty, to the participants from South Tyrol, Austria, Switzerland and nearly all provinces came to, to intensive further training. The speaker combination gave this seminar with Prof. Dr. Martin Kaske, veterinary surgeon, and Dr. Katrin Mahlkow-Nerge, feeding officer of the agricultural Chamber in Schleswig-Holstein, a particularly high training character. This kind of high-profile, but also practical training of feeding and veterinary medicine in this combination are absolutely new.

This “Feeding course builds on basics (also the former AVA feeding courses), conveyed but also the newcomer” in the field of practical feeding of dairy cattle the skills “, which are today indispensable for the modern management of dairy herd. Mrs. Dr. agr. Harold Ford Jr often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Katrin Mahlkow-Nerge is known particularly for its practicality. Everything discussed with participants the dairy cow feeding specialist, is among others based on own experience in the field of practical high providing herds dairy cattle feeding, because she works mostly on the weekends on the farm of her husband with a herd performance by over 11,000 kilograms of milk. Prof.

Dr. Martin Kaske gave the students, veterinary science for the practice”. For the participating dairy professionals from practice what they needed: intensive veterinary/agricultural training, always comes back to the present feeding conditions in the plants. Help the farmer, its high-performance cows to manage”, as Prof. Kaske. The cows give to much milk, and are also still doing well. You just need to know how it’s done “, says Prof. Kaske. “And metabolic problems of the animals with all effects must not be, if you stop before his homework” has made. The practical part of the course has been completed on a dairy farm in Gronau, which was mediated by the veterinary practice Dres Bjorn and Harald Becker. On the basis of existing checklists led participants including controlling of feed at the trough, silage assessment, TMR-BCS exercises, cow comfort, weak-point analysis: where the consultant must necessarily control, and many more very intensively by. One of two speakers clearly formulated: each dairy cow is an individual. And this knowledge of each individual individual”in the stable ultimately constitutes the herd. There is no average cow.” And who would like to manage high performance of healthy cows, need to see each of his cows as an individual and know. The sum of the individual animal care is the culmination of the herd”, in the concluding discussion, participants clearly expressed how much new knowledge for daily practice this AVA course took them. And this can benefit the health of the high-performance herds now. Thus, each student keeps his knowledge of modern and zukunftstrachtiger veterinary herd up to date and can be sure that he can withstand the challenges of milk cattle care of the next few years. The other courses of the AVA can be viewed on the home page at. Image: Controlling in practice with the veterinary surgeons headed by Dr. Mahlkow-Nerge Agrar – und Veterinary Academy (AVA) village street 5 48612 Horstmar empty Tel.: 02551-7878 fax: 02551-834300 E-mail:

Buy Now

Firecrackers and rockets now at half price at breaking buy only four weeks, then it’s time: on December 31st is new year’s Eve. Who wants to be well prepared for the party of the year, should the coupon by secure online couponing Portal DailyDeal (, mail order for friends of the fireworks. While supplies last, DailyDeal offers a coupon to the value of 20 euro for 9 euros. The voucher is valid for more than 500 Fireworks products. New year’s Eve can come with this deal! is one of the most traditional online shops for Fireworks. For more than a decade, offers all year round, which is available only at the end of the year: the great range from the firecrackers of the rocket to the complete Fireworks and Fireworks. Details can be found by clicking Center For Responsible Lending or emailing the administrator.

All fireworks are tested by the Federal Institute for material research and carry the BAM seal of approval. Delivery will conveniently right on the doorstep within one or two working days. Breaking is the leading portal for couponing in the German-speaking countries. Every day breaking offers more than a hundred discount vouchers (deals) for bars, restaurants, Spa and beauty salons and cinemas from over 20 cities. Also on sale: coupons for games, movies and music, as well as products and travel. Consumers receive a discount of up to 80 percent with the vouchers. For several days, DailyDeal gift certificates also offers, the ideal Christmas gift. Breaking: DailyDeal GmbH was founded in September 2009 by Fabian and Ferry Heilemann and was acquired by Google in September 2011.

Breaking is in Germany, Austria and Switzerland’s leading couponing provider for local partners, online shops and travel-deals and offers a transparent cost alternative to traditional forms of advertising as a marketing service provider company with the couponing model: discounted introductory offers, companies can win numerous new customers for their products and services. Thanks to the promotional and fully pre-funded by breaking campaigns also achieve high sales within a short time and increase their brand awareness sustainably. Menuinfo has its headquarters in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, maintains offices in Vienna and Zurich, and has more than 350 employees. Michael Hensch

Marketing AG Board

The percentage of illiteracy despite a State education system that imposes a five-year compulsory education, 28 percent of the population. Already the minimum compulsory realistically is not sufficient to escape poverty, the situation is still in addition it exacerbates the growing that just half of young Hondurans ever receive a basic education. Poor school facilities and poor living conditions that force children into work, to ensure the survival, oppose even the most modest education. IHZA / AICA helps talented young people and their parents on site to gain access to the necessary training. So is the prospect of a life away from abject poverty for them. While large organizations often have to contend with a massive administrative burden, due to its aid by incompletely to reach their goals, Isabella de Ivan is focused to help. This allows you, donations effectively and without detours there to use, where they are to act.

You committed in particular, the ability to open each talented and dedicated young people to get a, appropriate to their qualities, school, University or vocational training. In this way Isabella de Ivan ensures that aid will not only receive, but actually lead to permanently better living conditions. IHZA / AICA creates life opportunities for young people with talent, commitment to success and dedication, the existence of which would otherwise intended by the economically social situation of their poor home. For the German city information Marketing AG, the activities of the Association show a way with the poverty in a more effective and permanent way right there can be fought, where she determined the course of the life of countless people. Poverty is no inevitable provision, but a combination of individual lives, which can be permanently overcome by individual, effective and targeted assistance. The German city information Marketing AG is convinced that by supporting the work of the Association IHZA / AICA many other young people in Honduras can be helped to a dignified life. Further information are available on the website. Press information German city information Marketing AG Board of Directors: Robert Justitz Reinhold Dierkes In the Lipperfeld 22a 46047 Oberhausen Tel.: 02 08 / 97 07-0 fax: 02 08 / 97 07-137 E-Mail: Web:

South Africa

Ron Hubbard in South Africa and spoke very positively about L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard wrote a Constitution for equal rights for all for South Africa at the time. In his speech, he said among other things: there is no freedom without human rights. And there are no human rights without an advance guard to protect them.

This church is a fortress. It is around here on behalf of L. Speaking candidly Nieman Lab told us the story. Ron Hubbard, in order to resume, what he has promised. “And we promise to work with you to make sure that this rainbow nation will be great for all eternity.” Prince Unathi Mtirara lifted the from the Royal household of the Thembu Way to happiness”, a guide, which is based on common sense and was written by L. Ron Hubbard. He himself would like to introduce a copy of this book in every child’s hand and schools across the country.

Mrs Theodora Mohale, head of the Board of education in the province of Gauteng, discussing L. Ron Hubbards successful tools for effective learning and against illiteracy. The materials on the study methods were in perfect harmony with the objectives of the education authority in the country, to implement appropriate progress in basic education for all children. Alfred Tsetsane, regional Commissioner of the South African judiciary authority spoke about his ongoing partnership with the rehabilitation programme for offenders, sponsored by the Church of Scientology. Therefore, he favors the Criminon program, because it achieved very remarkable results in the Rehablititation of offenders. Anna-Mari Pieterse, National Director of the humanity BBs team South Africa, talked about their belief that the new Church of Scientology with its humanitarian programmes and solutions excellent work for the people in Pretoria, and across the country. The new Centre is open from morning to night. Visitors are invited to come in the new Church of Scientology. The chapel of the church stands for the life of a community of Scientologists available, including Sunday worship, weddings and naming ceremonies, as well as for community events of all faiths. More information: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. contact: public relations be ICH str. 12, Uta Eilzer, 80802 Munich TEL. 089-38607-0 / FAX. 089-38607-109 WEB:

Vicente Martinez Ybor

That has been meticulously restored about 8,000 square foot landmark in Tampa and is the ever increasing number of members available now about 8,000 square foot landmark in Tampa has been meticulously restored and is now the always increasing number available to members already in March another big building of the Church of Scientology in Tampa – was inaugurated on Ybor City (Florida). Thousands of Scientologists and dignitaries took part in the Grand opening ceremony and visited the newly renovated, historic building curious. As the number of members of the Church of Scientology in Tampa has risen in the last decade to four times, a new and bigger building had to be found. Mid-March was ready. The move to the newly renovated Ybor square”House with 8,175 m2, built originally in 1886, took place smoothly. The new church facilities include a huge, public information centre on the ground floor. BSA often addresses the matter in his writings. Here are in the form of videos teaching and Beliefs of the Scientology religion, including the life of L. Ron Hubbard, presented.

In addition, the information centre provide insight also open which social and charitable programs are supported by the Scientology Church. Among these are the programme for promoting human rights, the Drogenaufklarungs – and rehabilitation program, as well as an educational program against illiteracy. Using multimedia displays almost 500 information films are shown. Below, the disaster relief program of honorary Scientology introduces clergy. Ybor square is a national historic landmark, the 1886 was built by City Council, Vicente Martinez Ybor. The complete structure of the House includes a full block that is located between 8th and 9th Avenue and 13th and 14th Street (Avenue Republica de Cuba). The hav-a-Tampa cigar factory building was built”. The leader of revolution Jose Marti at the end of the 1890s was often on the stairs of the entrance on the East side of the lectern and called on the Cuban independence.

Ricoh Germany Donates 10,000 Euros To The German Child Protection

German children welfare association and Ricoh Germany at the beginning of the cooperation between the German child protection and Ricoh Germany Uwe Jungk, CEO of Ricoh Germany on December 22 handed over a symbolic cheque of 10,000 euros to Christian Briesen, head of communication at the German child protection. The donation supports the local associations of the German child protection Association at the sites of Ricoh Germany in Hamburg, Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Munich, Stuttgart and near the town of Radolfzell. The money flows completely into concrete projects of local associations. Thus, the important local work of the German child protection Federation is supported. Together with Ricoh Germany we will vote together with the various local unions, which specific projects require financial support”, says Christian Briesen. Uwe Jungk added: Ricoh Germany is very important commitment for children in Germany. When our donation to the German children welfare association, we know that She directly benefit the children and will be invested wisely and sustainably.” The German children welfare association is the largest Association of children protection in Germany and as a non-profit organization on donations, to make children fit for the future. A goal of the German child protection association is a good quality and free education and care system.

Homework help and support disadvantaged children is a key activity of the nationwide child protection work. The chapters to actively implement the right to equality of opportunity and education, which is enshrined in the UN says into practice. Other priorities of the German child protection Federation are child poverty, the protection of children from violence and children’s rights. Donation account SEB AG account 1953 BLZ 250 101 11 Member of German joint Welfare Association German Child Welfare Association Bundesverband e.V. contact: Paula Honkanen-Schoberth Schoneberger str. 15 10963 Berlin Tel (030) 21 48 09-20 fax (030) 21 48 09-99 email Ricoh Germany in the short profile the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hannover, Germany is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and company-wide printing and document management.

The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of cost and process optimization. Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. The Ricoh Group is with over 108.500 employees (Status: March 2009) a leading global technology company. In Germany, has a Ricoh approximately 2,000 employees and operates in addition to its main management nationwide with ten business & service centers. Contacts: press contact Ricoh Germany Tobias Poschl phone: 0511 / 6742 2517 fax: 0511 / 6742 264 cell: 0160 / 703 4 583 E-Mail: villages/partner communications company mbH Arnulf str. 33, 40545 Dusseldorf contact: Maike Rose Tel.: 0211 / 5230133 fax: 0211 / 5230130

Sanacontrol – your gentle saturation gel! It is so far! The days get longer and the Sun tips more frequently through the clouds. But with the beautiful weather the spring fatigue creeping in many quite unnoticed. This is the spring fever is not accepted as a disease, but a form of inertia, that many people experience in the spring. At the latest when you noticed these unexplained fatigue in itself, it is time to rouse itself and out into the fresh air to go. Because of the approaching spring is the right time to sporting activities in the open air to resume and to actively combat the spring fatigue.

A little runout is ideal in order to prepare for the upcoming day. The metabolism is stimulated by the movement in the great outdoors, fresh air and the grey cells get right in momentum, what promotes the ability to concentrate and so fit, you can start your work day. Who comes morning still not so right in ride, can of course also the Work breaks or evening use for his individual sports program. And it’s not always running. Also Nordic bring lots of fun walking, cycling, fast walking or swimming.

Another advantage, the regular exercise with it brings, is annoying calorie burning, which jumbled the pounds can already after a short time. Who needs a little help here, the soft saturation gel Sanacontrol is the right. Stirred into the respective favorite drink Sanacontrol can replace a meal daily. The German medical device can be individually metered and therefore adapted the feeling of hunger. The own well-being feel weight is reached, but still at a help in Taming the cravings needed then Sanacontrol can be taken continue in lower dosage for long-term weight control. Get more information at