
A after-test was answered by the pupils after the presentation of the lesson, having been the same test with the same questions, with the objective to evaluate with exactness the success of the proposal of intervention pointed for the academic necessity of this school. After all the theoretical process of learning and I practise, was opened the questions, that had been varied possible, that after answered, another one equal questionnaire to the first one was applied successfully, therefore the pupils had answered all the questions correctly, confirming the absorption of the content on the part of the pupils, since in the first questionnaire the answers pointed the existence of problems in the assimilation and interpretation of the pupils. Daily pay-test A questionnaire I contend 04 (four) questions on the material used in the laboratory lesson, of easy agreement and understanding, on cell and structure of the onion, was delivers to the pupils after to know the laboratory, place this who many at least knew, had answered the knowledge in accordance with that they would get. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dr. Neal Barnard. Graph 01: Questionnaire applied to the all the pupils previous to the intervention project Source: research carried through in a municipal public school in the city of Una/MG, December of 2010. In question 01 (one) it was asked of clear form what it was cellular wall, 90% of the pupils had answered that it was cytoplasm, being that the correct one would be the letter, Cell or cellular wall. Question 2 (two) varied a little of opinion, inside of the question on the constitution of the onion, the pupils had thought with total unfamiliarity on what they were answering, following to answer the questionnaire for insistence of the part of the palestrante therefore alleged not to have studied on this subject, asks this that would be the same one of the first one modifying only the formularization But in question 04 (four) the great majority correctly answered the question without not even knowing, factor this proven later, to the open being the questions, this was the first question made for them and if extending to all the same doubt.

Waiting For That Call

A common question is when you will call me?. More than anything women. Pending causes uncertainty and anguish. You may want to visit Dr. Neal Barnard to increase your knowledge. And the individual loses its Center, to subordinate to one another. All’ve ever lived you. Waiting for the call. Review every time if you walk or not the phone, or if they have left messages on the answering machine.

The repetitive thought is the question of why we don’t hear. And devise strategies to call it. Accounts for your friends on the topic, your neighbors, to the greengrocer. They see you coming and gets scared, then again accounts the same. And then, when already not the candidate we are interested in, we have set ourselves how much wasted time of our lives, really looking forward to your call waiting. Some of the causes of non-sweet hopes still unclear the nature of the relationship. Waiting would have to do with knowing in that position we are in your heart.

Happened some discussion that justifies their disdain or not. You had an intimate relationship with the gentleman in question and then disappeared off the face of the Earth all was fine but suddenly not called more as you always call you, you’re doing a test to see if calling you or not he to you. The thing that doesn’t make too much sense. Because the only important thing is its quality as a companion and not who’s calling who. Facts speak louder, and not a hundred thousand reasons says Garcia Lorca. Tragic: he owes you money. Said my wise Grandma Sylvite never give money to a man, the Knights are those who pay) poor Grandma he told you that he was going to call, by that took awhile to see that it is what I felt for you. (This is a nightmare with Freddy and everything) endless possibilities I have attended too many women waiting for that call and I myself have lived, in the past (I am woman) I tell you this so think about it Few things could you enjoy instead of waiting for your call? You can have a wonderful job at the moment.


Were you told that reporter to be born? Do not believe the verbiage. This is nothing more than a myth, common stereotype. You do not need to have specific genetics to learn how to drive a car? A cook scrambled eggs? Journalism – the same craft, as well as many others. The same goes for "little brother" of journalism – copywriting. And hence, to both can learn. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of BSA on most websites. If you are from God given talent to put words persuasive phrases If you are sociable from birth, the process of mastering the craft will pass quickly, easily and almost imperceptibly. Boy Scouts of America has many thoughts on the issue. Otherwise, you will have to put some more effort and time. But it is not clear in any case the result will be more productive.

For a long time a formula for the genius work = 90% + 10% talent. PR-agency "Laboratory of the text" has announced a new set on a course designer Lee Volovoi "Journalist Workshop." How does it differ from their own kind? The main difference lies in the very title. The basic principle of the course: a minimum of theory – a maximum of practice. So if you're a fan of listening to lectures, you can stop reading. No textbook is not expected.

The whole theory of journalism is presented in short, clear rules and techniques. The main tools of students: text editor, an analytical mind, creativity and rich … a variety of themes and incidents matter of concern life. The method is based on the individual course of interactive training, practical mastery of technique in the creation of texts of different genres of journalism, and a detailed analysis of errors. We are realists, we live and working in the realities of their country, which are the focus. In some schools of journalism you proud to hand over lists of foreign publications and links to instructions for potential authors, flavoring, this foreign Salad detailed recommendations on technology entering into contact with the editors of these publications. However, we are well aware that even if our students and plan to conquer the foreign mass media, they start have here in the former Soviet Union: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus or Kazakhstan. Then they will create a name for himself, portfolio, professional relationships. And the rules are completely different. So take the time and money for our students to study the cognitive, but totally impractical information, it seems impractical. The basis is only domestic practice in everything from methods of getting information to relationships with editors. Classes are highly individual. Each student has a unique life experience, has the propensity to certain topics and genres, working at their own pace. Therefore, the duration of the study of one the same topic from different students are different. And the price is the same. Study is determined by student's personal preferences and circumstances. If you live in Moscow, it can be full-time occupation. In all otherwise in our possession the entire arsenal of modern means of communication. The most optimum variant – Skype. ICQ? Also good, although less convenient. Finally, always available e-mail – the standard, but not so progressive way of communicating. In the course of "Journalist Workshop" invited students and middle high school, intending to enter the Faculty of Journalism, as well as everyone master this exciting profession. Especially recommended for students of faculty of journalism: those who are already tired of the theory, but wants to develop the real skills.

Celebration Dresses

Dresses of celebration are delicate objects and expensive, often the clothes that you have bought are which that you want to do all the possible one to take care of it. There are a series of advice and tricks to assure that its dress of celebration stays in the best possible conditions. Thus, I will offer as much proposal of forecast and effort to them that you can take the best care from his dress before, during and after his banquet. Before its banquet Before the banquet it must take measures to prevent the wrinkles or damages happened to its dress. More prestigious retailers of dance to dress will offer bags for their dresses celebration 2012. If he does not have, you can in line buy bags of clothes of the supermarkets and many retailers. First of all, to hang its suit within a clothes stock market. You will have to hang in some sufficiently high place so that the skirt is not in contact with the enemy with the ground.

The place where clothes are hung ideally must be a closed space, like a closet. You must be sure that the place that you choose to hang his dresses celebration 2012 is not humid and no they are exposed to the baking scents (for example, scents). You can have the temptation to prove his dress in often, but she must resist this situation for two reasons. First of all, celebration dresses are very delicate elements and more times to put themselves and to take off, there is major risk of which the dresses will lose their light. Secondly, while more time has the dress in its stock market of clothes, by greater opportunity the dress will be damaged by a tear or spills. Thirdly, if you have used his dress often, next, by the time of the banquet or celebration she does not feel so special with this dress of celebration.


It starts to observe the prominence people its return, & ldquo; iluminados& rdquo; you go to certify yourself that its decurrent of Perspiration and very little decurrent abilities are of Inspiration. Therefore, transpire and either curious and an anxious one in learning, transforming useful information incredible knowledge and make the difference. 4 & ndash; They value the people and the relationships He has few years, a General Director of a company decided to interrupt its activities (does not have notice if it is in another institution or if & ldquo; he hung chuteiras& rdquo;). Which was its last decision? It decided to visit all the units operational and if to fire to each collaborator. In its speech, it he systematically mentioned the basic importance of the people. To the end, I had chance to demonstrate pra it interesting quo considered this focus. it said: & ldquo; it can be certain of this and it can bet that this is caminho& rdquo;. To read more click here: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Perhaps one of the most important advice has been this who already have received.

I have been able to prove that it was certain. It is well possible that, at some moments, has that to be pleased a price for valuing people and relationships, but this price will not pass of something of & ldquo; shot curto& rdquo; , fast temporary e, more the front goes to perceive that the penalty was valid. To work the relation with the people, the attention of quality to the fellow workers is an investment. We cannot forgetting in them that, independently of the conjuncture, who it makes (produces) or who leaves to make (to produce) is the people. 5 & ndash; They do not tolerate the imperfections, before search corrigiz them of the next time: Imperfections always will happen. This is fact. No matter how hard in them let us perfect, no matter how hard let us search the excellency or let us calibrate the level of the autocobrana, them go to appear.

Planet Body

" The bacteria are in dried state, they must wake up before they actively start working! It is very important. The contents of the vial or ampoule, dissolved a little lukewarm, stir well and be sure to leave at 15-20 minutes' for revival '! It is essential that lactobacilli better accustomed to the gut. And this should be done for both and both adults and for infants. For the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis and yeast infections during pregnancy appoint 15-20 ml for vaginal swab for 2-3 hours. The course is 10 days. Effects on the body.

From the standpoint of Energy Processes, "Oseyanie increases the glow around the body and organs, helps to activate all energy processes in the body. Has the property inside the body make healthy and rejuvenate the skin. Lactobacilli displaces conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, and activates the body's defenses under the influence of biologically active extracts. Also has immunomodulatory properties – increases immunity, eliminates the body of radioactive substances and toxins that contribute to the rejuvenation of the whole organism, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. All variety of actions of this drug can be tested on myself and each time discover something new, since it is completely harmless and has no side effektami.Obraschenie to light humanity for the participants' russian cathedral. I psihobakteriolog, Mokrousova , collected from 1994 data on the phenomenon of lactic acid .I with all the responsibility (response to light) declare that the people on Planet "Earth" – the children Milky Way – are immersed in the microbial matrix and evolve mikrofloroy.imya its Yoghurt sticks (hence the prayer for her, she and multiplies).

Audiobooks Past

They helped form our identity and gives the experience of life. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and gain more knowledge.. And what a pleasure it was to sit in a comfortable chair with a small volume of Bulgakov in the hands of the cold winter evenings! Finally, even the most simple, entertaining read, relieves boredom and uplifting. But it is not always convenient to use the printed editions. In today's hectic lifestyle has no place bulky volumes, and some people can not read because of vision problems. Excellent alternative to paper books are audio books. This audio book read aloud by professional actors. You can listen to an audiobook on tape recorder, computer or portable player. Dr. Neal Barnard insists that this is the case.

Thus, the reader, and rather, the listener does not need to keep in front of the book, and strained his eyes. Disappear as problems with posture, lighting, and books are available to blind people. With an audiobook you are not tied to one place and can easily move the device within earshot. There are no obstacles in transportation – wear headsets, and even in rush hour you can enjoy your favorite product, do not fear anyone interfere. Voice actors will help breathe new life into the product, transforming the room into a theater, and you – the viewer. Audiobooks offer many advantages over print media and almost no drawbacks. However, before opting for audio books, think – are you willing to lose the pleasure of holding a fresh volume, smelling of printer's ink, listening to quiet rustling of the pages? You decide!

Eduardo Akira Azuma

The possibility of if seeing free are so deceptive that Orwell dismisses the readers of the hope of that the personage has a happy end. Submitted the tortures degradantes, Wiston finishes for accepting the regimen. Until the day where it disappears as others that had dared to rebel itself against the installed order. The Leviat, of Hobbes, became the invincible monster. That one to who if delivers to all the freedom possibilities, in exchange for a protection that inexists.

' ' Liberdade' ' , it writes Wisnton, ' ' it is the freedom to say that two more two are quatro' '. The freedom of thought and the press are the strong points of a democratic nation. It only happens that the totalitarian governments they obtain to remain in the power the cost of the method of clipping of the basic rights of the citizens. According to Eduardo Akira Azuma: ' ' the ways used for the Great Brother to extinguish the individuality are not summarized to ' ' teletela' '. In the theory of Hobbes the fear possesss basic paper, rank that, it bases the functioning of the system. The Biblical metaphor of the Leviat monster also fortifies such importance in the measure where the fear of the men in parallelism to the fear constructed for the Leviat incarnates de Thomas Hobbes. The ecclesiastical power in the optics of Thomas Hobbes also exerts a certain repression spiritual, therefore, according to it, this would be half the persuasivo one to make with that the people obey the laws. If we think about one of the great principles of functioning of the republic according to Hobbes, namely, the obedience, understand easily that the author of the Leviat if has felt to the will when introducing the religion and its hierarchy in its assembly politics. With effect, where already born in the kingdom the obedience for the fear of God and for respect to the principles of the faith, the construction of a republic that on account tends to the respect of these same retaken values of the civil peace without a doubt is facilitated.

Ingredients Critics Campaign

When you hear someone say that the mailing is dead, do not pay case. We are sure that this is someone who has not ever used it or that has not been used properly. The mailing is a classic and his electronic version (e-mailing) one of the great revolutions of recent times in the world of marketing. In a question-answer forum Boy Scouts of America was the first to reply. If you know how to use them, they give you so much joy that little mind you can tell others. Anyway, when you put hands to work with either of these two alternatives, make sure that you are considering all the critical elements that can make your campaign a bomb or the absolute failure. It is not infused science, but yes it is worth reviewing the basics of these elements.

Let’s take a look: 1.-La list. Without a doubt, it is the most important of any campaign of mailing or e-mailing aspect you want to perform. The quality of the results you get will depend on the quality of lists with which you work. There are lists of all kinds, but not all give the same results. Simpler classification that can be is to differentiate lists between their own and others: a.-own lists are lists of addresses of people with whom you have had contact and who have given you permission to send them correspondence.


Rain can surprise us in a dusk walking from return house, and about this episode of the nature we can think and therefore feel that we are bad beloveds by the universe, or can choose to think to feel that we are really lucky to enjoy a gift of the nature. Before our vision the light projects a shade, but also that shade can project a light. It depends perspective that we choose to add in our life, we will be people who we will be mainly constructed of positive attitudes or people who mainly choose to build themselves of negative attitudes. The amount and quality of lights and shades that we decide to look for and to find, will remain and molded our expressions, they will give cadence him to our thoughts and they would provide shady styles to us or colorful scenes to our emotions, in accordance with our decisions. If we pause a day to reflect and to analyze what is our glance, not only of the other and the surroundings, but simply as we watched ourselves inwards, as we see our thoughts and feelings, we will know to discriminate that attitude predominates in our person. Surely this attitude that dominates our internal law will be reflected at all the moments and elections of being in our external world. In Synthesis the life is dialectic.

The form, the expression, the quality of our thoughts and our emotions, are a decision that depends on us, we must assume it like so, and this done it will lead to us towards a total life and it frees. Infinity of events does not depend on us, but the form to act, to respond before them is a created work and directed by our thoughts, we are the directors and the actors of our own answer. The daily scenes always appear with their explicit antithesis or implicit, the same scene can be counted of creative and stimulating form or of mediocre and depressing form. The attitudes dominate to our expressions and ours sentires, but simultaneously our chosen form to think and to feel modifies these landlords, is what we have created of we ourself, but has the power to modify what it does not contribute towards the happiness, the joy and the fullness to live. We attract everything what it occurs to us, because giving account us or ignoring it conscientiously, we have constructed a magnet that gathers what our attitudes command. ” The reality in an immense alive fabric, that is guinea fowl day to day by our thoughts and emociones.