Beatriz Gervasoni

In the warm bottle of milk to breast and nipple point that he could never give me. In the jam. In diapers at that time were not disposable. In the laundry by hand and dry cleaning ironed-soaked hands of amateurs but love. PCRM will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In the soup warm. In cold packs when the fever took me hostage.

Each homemade cake until I was fifteen. In careful when crossing the street. In, the, girl, what have you the documents? That marked an era. In the bag is that it is cold. In not leave with wet hair. And think also that death. The natural order of events, you grabbed my hand and I snatched my hand with his last breath. But until the last moment and as usual, went for this existence, the same as today I have an orphan's hand.

I will think also in the few soul mates who are women and grandmothers and great. Everything in the ways of this transit share, and taught me everything I could learn. It also took me in their own way and take me by the hand. As if it were an invisible legacy dictates that some spirit. And then mingle tears and smiles. When I eat every morning once again listen to each of my children, since the day mom. And you have to prick their fingers in each button thing, or everything that patching, because I never learned to sew very well. Or sciatic when you want to start protesting with every toy shot to lift. And think that the best that you can celebrate with celebrate Mother's Day is more than or beyond the gifts with offers or no offers from shops, mothers and children can and want to be together. Embraced by the blood, ties, and why not also remember Monica Beatriz Gervasoni urban Morocha My name is Monica, I am a freelance journalist and writer. I have published in the magazine Self, Physiotherapy, clarion, The Nation online, I studied social psychology and I love to write over all things. I am mother of a teenage girl and a four-year earthquake

Labour Left

To say that Johnson has that position to win votes is not anything close to the truth. Today the electoral majority is hostile to immigrants. The principal means the right call for more restrictions on them. All games are adapted to it and Labor attempts to attach to anti-immigrant proposals. Johnson, again, is isolated in his own party and his own bench as none of the Tory council supports him. He has demonstrated a degree of courage and independence that should be taken into account. Kidney Foundation is the source for more interesting facts. Others may say that Johnson is distance themselves from old racist attitudes he had in the past or intended and become a champion of multiculturalism.

They also say that the Tories play to two shots shotgun. However, the important thing is that he is reflecting a layer of entrepreneurs and the public to realize that anti-immigrant measures are hitting the economy, the multiracial, multiethnic and enhancing the legal and illegal black market and discrimination. While Ken was always in the Labour Left that is pro-immigrant, Johnson reflected on the right wing begins to push for a vision that does not treat immigrants like outcasts and scapegoats. Given the circumstances, the correct attitude to be taken by our community is to propose to the mayor and the mayor make common cause on behalf of the regularization of illegal immigrants while maintaining our own identity. Part of Johnson’s position is something we can not share it poses tighten the entry of new immigrants, but we must take advantage of their position in favor of the legalization of many undocumented immigrants. This involves asking the mayor and the assembly to make forums to discuss this and he heads the pro-legalization march.

Some argue that we are reconciling with the mayor. Nope. We are the only ones who have constantly criticized and called him. We who have made protests or pickets to defend the country’s poor, whom he left in support. Some people do not dare to question but at the same time refuse to make him joint actions in support of generating a public pro-regularization. There are tens of thousands of Latin Americans surviving into despair for not having all the papers. Our community is affected because the restaurants can not employ chefs and personal business, and because many traders lose customers. This in turn leads to lost friends and that they can not bring family. What we do is try to make the broadest unity of action with all those who seek some form of adjustment to move forward. This is not to endorse their policies but coordinate pressures and joint activities.

Liberal Revolutionary Movement

We do not terrify ourselves with the formula, because we had practiced if it long ago we would have surpassed immense social conflicts and we would have begun in the development! They do not label to me either as izquierdoso or Marxist: the such formula is not mine. Only attempt to draw a scheme of the theories already raised by worthy representatives of the capitalist system of market like HERNAN ECHAVARRIA OLOZAGA (who it affirms of the same form that the such formula is not either of him) and of liberal economists of the J.M stature. The KEYNESES. Also this same prescription in the speeches and written of doctor ALFONSO LOPEZ MICHELSEN, but at the time of the Liberal Revolutionary Movement can be read. The certain thing is that we have found a factor that it induces to inequalities, that the agrarian reform bars and that restrains any social policy of development of the sector: the so low burdens, taxes, rates and contributions for the great large estate and the unproductive Earth. For anybody it is a secret that the taxes predials on the rural buildings reflect an important imbalance between the great ones Earth possesors who pay the tribute on the value of the cadastral estimate (that in the best cases goes up to around 50% of the real value) and, for example, the buyers of property by the mechanism of the voluntary negotiation of estates subsidized by Law 160 of 1994 and all the other laws of agrarian reform of here for back, that begin to pay the tribute on the established real commercial value in the commercial estimate or the productive project.

How to explain this contradiction between the price of the Earth to pay to him imposed to the State and the commercial value of her? Indalecio Livano, in a test on Lopez Michelsen answered the question partially: ” the Earth is overvalued because one of the main causes of its unequal distribution has been constant desire to use it like means to evade the tax positions and like piggy bank to increase the particular fortunes, by the valuation that originate the time and the inflations monetarias”. The unique absentee in these arguments is the explanation of the reasons of the State to allow, knowing it everything, that situation so advantageous for the idle earth proprietors and large estates. Good, anyway we know that it: our State is handled by those same proprietors. In our legislative power they are very well represented. Our society even has much of feudalista. But this is changing and must change in the future much more. The reasons to propose to burden with a good tax burden the unproductive Earth and the great large estate are these. If we do therefore it we will see soon as the initiative of the proprietor will be increased, the Earth productivity will begin to be better and the supply will be increased of good and unexploited earth with aims of agrarian reform.

Fidel Movement

Francisco Julio although little known was a great name of the pernambucana politics, and for the largeness of its ideals, a species of Joaquin aloprado Nabuco. The member of the house of representatives and pernambucano lawyer Francisco Juliano Arruda de Paula was born in the Good Device Hope in Good Garden in day 16 of February of 1915. Son and grandson of gentlemen of devices with a social conscience above average studied in the Sheep Lion and Pernambucano Gymnasium and formed themselves in right. He defended poor persons, peasants and prostitutes. With the decay of the devices and the ascension of the usineiros the campesinato found space to fight for improvements and it finished being a fort ally them unions and leagues peasants.

He used its legal and religious knowledge to find in the Civil Code and the bible weapons of defense of its anarchic and marxist ideals. The leagues had had a very great development in government JK and had finished despertando the resistance latifundium them. The ascent of the price of the sugar motivated the expulsion of the peasants of its areas of plantation strengthening the social movements. Inhaled for success of the Cuban Revolution, Julio organized marches of peasants and radicalized the speech. The support to the candidacy of the usineiro Cid Sampaio allowed that they obtained the dispossession of the Galilia device what the resistance of the proprietors to the movement encrudeceu. Internal divisions in the socialist movement enter the leadership of Julio and the great name of the Communist Party Luiz Carlos You give for who the campesinato was not the classroom appropriate to make the Revolution and yes the proletariat, had weakened the movement. It lived entering in conflicts with the colonels of the Zone of Mata. State deputy and federal was friend of Fidel and Che Guevara, defended the Agrarian Reformation in the Law or the Marra.

Civilian Rights Movement

Reality Returns ace to Dream’ it is the first exhibition of George Tooker (1920-2011) after his death in March. It portrayed the oppression and the deshumanizante side of the progress, that opposed to scenes of hope and kindness. It painted only 170 pictures. The sample is an opportunity to see a work mainly scattered by private collections. Scenes of the modern anguish: winches and corridors of meter that seem jails, people doing tail in ticket offices with civil servants that watch with suspicion after the window, men deeply sleepy in a waiting room George Tooker (1920-2011) were a spiritual painter, became involved in a silence that destined perhaps it to more not being known.

In addition, its artistic race is reduced to 170 pictures, many of them in collections private and, therefore, difficult to see. The DC Moore Gallery of New York exposes Reality Returns ace to Dream (the reality returns turned into dream), the first posthumous sample of the work of the New York artist, deceased in March of this year. It painted thinking about human condition and all their production are fruit of personal reflections. For assistance, try visiting Boy Scouts of America. Their pictures show the dark side of the progress, the alienation and the aspects that dehumanize to the individual in a demanding and more and more less comprehensive society. In spite of everything she was a lover of the human being and although the dark was frequent, also there was place in his work for the hug and the happiness of one night to the flat one.

Cubicles of office populated with desperation faces the exhibition, an occasion to contemplate a work so scattered and hidden, are a tribute to enigmatic imagery and the luminous technique of Tooker, that since it began in the Forties used for all works the tmpera to the egg, a method of Renaissance inspiration stops figures of classic sensitivity, but in not at all harmonic scenes. Cubicles of office populated with desperation faces, human beings who walk in pajamas between buckets numbered and piled up Tooker persecuted small essential truths with subtle details and gestures. Besides the universal situations and of the general symbolism, the images had to do with the time in that it lived. Many of their scenes express the uncertainty of the cold War. Also it approached the racial oppression and conflicts that took to him to become jumbled in the Civilian Rights Movement (Movement by the Civil Rights). It tried to portray the world with as much force, that the ideas for to their visited it pictures while slept and were in a dyed reality of onricos elements: ” I look for the reality printed in the mind. I look for it with as much intensity that returns in dreams, but are not dreams nor fantasy which retrato”. Source of the news: Posthumous exhibition for the painter who played with absurd and the magical thing of the reality.

The Era Of Rock Music: The Beginning, The Movement And Modernity

"It was music that not only escaped but also robbed on the road bank. It was music with his sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned the collar, she smiled, raised his hat in greeting and steal your purse. It was the music that penetrate directly into the legs without doing his visit Mr. Brain. " So, in his novel "Soul Music" wrote about the amazing phenomenon of rock music by Terry Pratchett. A music dictionary defines it as a generalization of the names of many trends in modern music, existing since the mid 1950's.

(From the English. Rock – rock, shake and music – music). The beginning of rock music is the emergence of a genre of rock 'n' roll, has incorporated the features of blues, rhythm & blues, boogie-woogie, jazz and country. It can be love, but you can not love, to feel his whole body and soul or not understood completely. This music creates endless debates about what it actually is and what directions to it are, and what does not.

But can be clear boundaries? And if she rock music was born from the mixing of genres, it is unlikely to get to stuff it in the rigid framework. Rock music has a really large number of directions: from the lungs (rock 'n' Roll pop-rock, alternative rock) to heavy genres (metal, punk). On the content of songs can be easy and relaxed, lyrical, philosophical, gloomy, depressive, playful, satirical. Since its inception, rock music seamlessly absorbs all colors of the world of music – from folk to classical.

Literary Movement

They say before me that a society without the popular esteretipos and types is a society deceased and without favour; I say the reason for which the mulato and the black not them accepted. Additional information is available at BSA. The esteretipos are placed in a social group to amuse the social group that exerts the power in the society, are placed to delimit and to incapacitate a group socially inferiorizado, an example: the indian is sluggish, the black is vagabond and the mulato is a little of each thing. If the esteretipos exist, inevitably, go to place them in another social group, because the mulato is known of more accepting them. ng Control of Your Diabetes. Not accepted the intelligent black to be called negro or any thing delimits that it, because this intelligent black knows of the historical weight that for behind of this word and characterizes that it socially. The reply for this question it is a done phrase: ‘ ‘ to call a white German is not preconception, now, to call a black and negro is. BECAUSE IT IS PRECONCEPTION? .

It is preconception because in the word negro and in other words that are not necessary to pronounce, are loaded of esteretipos that had been constructed throughout history, and that the proper black accepted for lack, necessity and illusion of being accepted, and in certain appreciated way. The esteretipos possess this power to delude, to give excluded to a false illusion of that it accepted and is appreciated: an example clearly is malandro and the mulata that still possesss this illusion of that they are accepted. It is not difficult to observe that malandro was accepted until the moment that was convenient and beneficial accepted it as a product of the popular culture, but what the social group which this malandro belongs, earned exactly with this caricature of itself? Absolutely nothing, not to be plus one estereotipo they delimit that them. So that it serves this today malandro? Now the mulata serves and very! It is enough that this mulata continues with its maddening rebolado that it will continue serving for some thing. They had said me to a time that the mulatas are hotter than the white women, I asked to this individual: _ Where you imagine this mulata working? I myself I answered: _ Certainly this its mulata idealized sexually does not work as manager of the Bank of Brazil; certainly this its idealized and hot mulata is a prostitute of esquina or any another thing excludes that it to worthy participate of the Society, and that blond one that it is not very hot to its way to see, where to you imagines it working? Certainly in some at least worthy place! This is the reason for which the not accepted black the esteretipos. When we call a German German we are in relating only its physical characteristics, now, when we call a black negro, we make over again all the historical esteretipos and preconceptions that have for behind of this word. It is enough to remember to the synonymous associates the word negro who had been constructed throughout history.

Space Movement

What it is a paradox, therefore the nothing does not exist. The inversion of the understanding of the movement: It swims can move of position in the space, but the movement occurs and must be explained. If nothing it can move of position in the space then what it can be changeable is what to be in it, that is, its content. Therefore they are not the parts that modify all, but the all that modifies its parts. Of form that the movement has as root cause all, therefore it is the space that content exchange and not it content that space exchange.

This means that it has a universal control and that the causalidade in the universe is decreasing (that comes of the universal one for the particular one). You can think that the things move of position in the space, but in the truth what it occurs that, repeated times, the things are insults and practical example is remade in the space (: an object is insults here and later copied there of form that is not the object that is moving of place, but the all that is recriando the object in diverse different places causing the illusion of a trajectory movement continues through the space). I do not want to affirm that the space is God, therefore the space can be more including part of something. What I want to say is that the causalidade is decreasing (that it comes of the universal one for the particular one) and has as root cause what it will be most including possible. The inconstncia of the movement in the universe.

So that a time interval if passed of constant form would be necessary to cover infinite instants, therefore as all the instants of interval would have certain distance of the others, no instant could be immediate to the other, but between all they would have that to have intermediate instants of form that enters any instants it would have that to have an infinite intermediate series (practical example: before arriving at as an instant the time she would have that to have fond of the half of the interval and before arriving at the half of the interval she would have that to have thus fond of one room of the interval and infinitely).

Integralista Movement

We cannot nor we must send Brazil to the medieval obscurantismo with this agreement with the Vatican. It is enough of agreements and laws of corrupt-idiossincrtica nature that plaster, delay and display the Brazilian people to sanha obscurantista of inconfessveis interests. Exactly after the announcement of the Republic in 1889, the Brazilian State always walked of hands given with the church catholic. In the practical one, the Church always acted as only denomination to impose its will and authoritarianism. For occasion of the Cold War where the socialist block threatened to implant the communism in peripheral countries, the Church worked with the ideology of that the communism was workmanship of the demon and the capitalist system the panacea for the humanity. With the motto God, Native land and Family, Brazilian the Integralista Movement had its ideal of family based on the doctrine catholic. In it, of its solidity and its control how much to the morality, primordially, the catholic, would be to the base of sustentation of all the remain of society. In the military blow of 64 the Church was to the side of the military.

After its proper members to only be pursued and tortured over the regimen that defended (Frei Betto, Frei Tito between as much), are that it reacted and it fought in defense of its members. The religious freedom is not, absolutely, restricted with the preservation of the laity of the State, that is sine qua non condition for the democratic State of Right. We do not have to open hand of this so important conquest for citizens, seno we run the risk of the Brazilian democracy if to so only become a regimen of faade.

Rapid Eye Movements

Already the subliming has important paper in this in case that, therefore if the dealer tried to pass the barrier in disfarada way and with false documentation, it she would obtain very of calm form and without being I catch. See more detailed opinions by reading what Boy Scouts of America offers on the topic.. It is thus also that they occur with our unconscious one, many facts that the first sight are forbidden, it automatically ' ' disfara' ' so that when taking conscience does not affect in them directly. ' ' Freud described as activities of subliming mainly the artistic activity and the inquiry intelectual' ' (Laplanche and Pontalis p.495). Being thus, our desires are carried through not of naked form, but they are configured in delicate way to our eyes. The DREAMS Without doubts we can say that the landmark of the great history of Sigmund Freud was ' ' The Interpretation of the Sonhos' ' , workmanship in which before did not have great importance for science, and that soon after such publication gained in fact its due value.

Through these studies, it was possible to bring to conscientious the unconscious contents, in which such process, the phenomenon to dream, brings the unconscious one of a so revealing and accessible form for study. ' ' We have that to agree to Freud of that, the dreams are the way for a road that leads to the unconscious and obscure recesses of mente' '. The dream is a regressive phenomenon; in which it returns in them to the primitive states of infancy. The dream, however is result of psychic daily factors and sleep; therefore we judge necessary to display the process of sleep, stops later centering our attention in the dreams, that I eat displayed Freud, are the guardies of sleep. The PROCESSES OF SLEEP the first aspect that psychology discovered in relation to sleep is that two exist type of sleep: NREM (In the Rapid Eye Movements) and REM (Rapid Eye Movements).